Get Back to Even

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A/N Sorry for the late update. Wattpad had a fit and I couldn't get in at all yesterday. Better late than never I suppose.

~Princess <3

The three had moved into the living room. Jay and Ana are now seated on the couch with Will in the chair across from them. After listening to, what Ana thought, was a half-assed explanation about his black eye, she turned to the younger Halstead.

"Bluejay, can you give us a moment?" Ana requested.

"Sure." He replied, getting up and walking into his bedroom.

"What really happened, Will?" She demanded.

"It was Gregory Yates." He answered, watching her face drain of all color. "In not so subtle terms, he told me what happened a couple weeks ago near your house. I guess I snapped and he hit back." The redhead explained, looking at her in concern.

Ana was grateful as a flare of pain in her right shoulder gave her a reason to change the subject.

"I'm glad your here, Will. Mainly cause I don't think I could avoid another check up for this." She admitted, moving her jacket and shirt out of the way to reveal her bullet wound.

"I'd ask what happened, but given both your jobs, I think I already know." Will joked, moving closer to inspect the injury.

As much as he wanted to breach the subject of Yates further, he knew there was no hope in talking her out of keeping it a secret. Instead, he focused himself on checking the wound over.

Will had her move the arm a bit, getting a small hiss of pain in the process. Afterwards, he slightly peeled back the dressing and took a minutes to examine the wound before recovering it. Lastly, he put a hand to her forehead, but didn't feel any warmth.

"It's not infected. Just keep changing the bandage and you should be fine." Will assured.

Ana smiled, but before she could thank him, Jay came bursting out of his room.

"Sorry to interrupt, Sarge, but we have a case." He informed.

Both bid Will farewell before hopping into their car and heading to the address they were given.

*Crime Scene*

They get there at the same time as the rest of the team. As they all survey the area, they spot a truck tipped onto it's side and a few bodies painting the white blanket of snow a dark red with their blood. After a minute or so, everyone walks over to Antonio, who'd been waiting for them.

"Watch your step, they're still flagging brain matter." He warned.

"Truck driver?" Hank inquired as Ana appeared next to him.

"Name's Aaron McIntire. He's in the wind. No eyewitnesses. Don't count on anyone coming outta the woodwork down here." Antonio replied.

"The sedan came back stolen." Jay added.

"What, you done this before?" Antonio joked.

"Detective?" An Officer called, walking over and handing Antonio an evidence bag. "Found these in the cab of the truck. Crystal meth, looks like."

"No. These are Jesús Malverde crystals." The Detective corrected. "Patron saint of Mexican drug dealers. They carry 'em to ward off evil. Could have fallen out of someone's pocket." He explained.

"All right, so it's a truck-jacking gone bad." Hank concluded as Ana eyed the truck.

"Has anyone checked the container?" She wondered.

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