Disco Bob

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*Crime Screen/House*

The Sergeants arrive with the rest of the team not too far behind. They scan the area and spot a familiar face near the building.

"Neighbor heard gunshots. Called it in." Bob Ruzek informed as the couple walks over along with Alvin.

The Officer shoots Ana an apologetic look, noticing how she stops a few feet away, but still within ear shot. Hank and Alvin, however, make the entire journey. They only stopped once they were in front of the Officer, and in a way that blocks Ana from his view. She returns Bob's look with a scathing glare before keeping her eyes locked on the figures of her husband and best friend.

"So were you the responding officer?" Alvin asked.

"I was." The Officer replied.

"All right, Bob, thanks." Hank goes to walk in the house, but turns back. "Oh, hey, your kid's doing great." He gestured to Adam as he walks over.

"Hey, what's up, pops?" He greeted as Hank and Alvin head inside the house, but not without glaring at the elder Ruzek over their shoulders.

"Hey, they brought in the big gun." Bob laughed.

"I thought you switched to days?" Adam recalled as Ana began walking over.

"Oh, I've been back on midnights for a few months now. The city's prettier at night." Bob explained.

"I should get in there." Adam nodded towards the house.

"Yeah, me too, right?" The older man questioned.

"Yeah, of course." Adam replied.

He began to head into the house just as Ana walked by Bob. When she did, the older man grabbed her right arm, causing her to whip around and glare at him again.

"Look, Ana, I'm-"

Bob's cut off as she pries his hand off with her left. Resisting the urge to break the limb, Ana released it, and let it fall to it's owner's side.

"Touch me again, and I'll personally make sure you end up at the bottom of the river." She growled. "Regardless of your son being on my team."

Despite his confusion, Adam stepped in between the two before things could escalate any further.

"Dad, why don't you go in first?" He suggested.

Giving the woman one last apologetic look, Bob walked into the house. Adam sighed in relief before turning to his boss.

"What the hell was that all about?" He wondered.

"Ask Oli." Was all she said before walking into the house as well.

Ana heads over to where Hank and Alvin are, taking note of the two bodies on the floor. Both were female, but one was a woman and the other was a child.

"Lucy Denton, the mom. Daughter's name is Shelby. Lucy knew somebody at the mayor's office, which is why you guys got called in, I guess." Bob explained.

"Husband live here?" Antonio inquired.

"Yeah, Wes Denton, husband and father. Don't know where he is, doesn't answer his phone, and there's an eight-year-old son, Jordan. Don't know where he is." Bob read from his notepad.

"Silva from homicide said they found casings from a Smith & Wesson. Same caliber registered to Wes Denton." Alvin informed.

"We found an open gun case open in the master closet. Gun was gone." Bob recalled.

"Motion detectors and window sensors. This is top-of-the-line security system. Do you know if the alarm was set?" Kevin wondered as he enters the room.

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