There's My Girl

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*The Day Before: District 21: Office*

Ana and Hank walk out and over to the team who's all crowded around Nadia's desk. Some even began cleaning it out.

"All right, Fischer just called. Needs us in Tri-Taylor." Hank informed.

*Said Area*

Everyone arrives at the destroyed cafe. Among the injured victims crowding the area, Ana spots a familiar face waiting for them just behind the yellow tape.

"Joe." She greeted, giving him a quick hug.

"Hey, Ana." He replied.

"What the hell happened here?" Antonio wondered.

"Bomb went off at 8:42 a.m. We're clear for radiation. At least four injured, two pretty bad shape. Two fatalities. One female. One looks like a male." Joe explained.

"How's that?" Hank inquired.

"We're still putting him back together." The firefighter sighed, taking a drink out of the water bottle he was holding.

"Do you know what caused it?" Ana asked.

"IED of some sort. We found screws in buildings all the way down the street." He answered.

Hank thanked him and Joe walked away.  Everyone split up, looking for anything helpful, and regrouped a few minutes later.

"Nobody saw anything." Alvin sighed. "It's an explosion, a lot of glass."

"Same inside." Erin added.

"Then we'll keep knocking on doors." Hank decided.

"Adam, Oli, you two talk to the husband when he calms down." Ana ordered, glancing over at the slightly hysterical man trying to find his wife.

*District 21*

Hank and Ana walk inside. They were about to head upstairs but stop at the sound of Trudy's voice.

"This can't be right." She muttered to herself.

Ana looked over at her best female friend, taking note of the confused and angry expression she leveled at her computer.

"Go ahead. I'll be up in a few minutes." Ana murmured to her husband without looking away from Trudy.

Hank nodded, gave his wife a quick kiss, and made his way upstairs

"What's wrong, hun?" Ana wondered, walking over to the desk.

"I just got an email saying Area Central's not approving the purchase order for the engraving job on Nadia's stone." Trudy explained. "I am gonna attack somebody."

During the Desk Sergeant's explanation, Sean and Kim had walked in, overheard it, and made their way over.

"Well, we can, pass a hat around, collect the money ourselves." Kim suggested. "We may need to push the memorial a little, but-"

"Oh, no, the only thing that's getting pushed around here is however wrote this, right off a cliff." Trudy grumbled.

At the sound of footsteps, Ana glanced behind her, seeing the team making their way upstairs.

"Trudy, I need to go. But if you need my help, or Henry's, you know where to find us." She offered.


Upon seeing Ana walk in, Antonio stood up from his desk and walked over to the whiteboard, taping a picture to it.

"K-Trick, otherwise known as Kenny T. Reevis. He's a gangster Disciple. Not top of the pyramid, but he's got some corners." He informed.

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