Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw

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*District 21: Office*

Ana and Hank were relaxing in the office when Commander Fischer walks in followed by Alderman Becker and his wife. They inform the Sergeants of their missing daughter and her friend.

"No one is doing anything!" Becks shouted.

"I don't mean to sound rude, Alderman, but the girls have been missing for less than 24 hours." Ana pointed out.

"Allison always calls. Always. This isn't like her." Mrs. Becks explained.

"I've tried texting, leaving voicemails. She- I'm asking you, as a favor, help us. Please." Becks pleaded as the two Sergeants share a look.

"We'll look into it." Hank assured.

Fischer and the Becks' leave the office with Antonio taking their place.

"You know this is most likely a wank. The girl's sleeping off a hangover at her friend's house." Antonio pointed out.

"Becks is a friend of Deputy Superintendant Zarley. So that makes this wank your priority." Hank retorted.

"I'll get into it." He conceded.

A few minutes later, Antonio's taping a picture to the white board and turning to the rest of the team.

"Allison Becks, 16 years old. Last seen with her friend Hayden Tannenbaum. They were supposed to go back to the Becks' house after a study group. Neither showed." He informed as Erin looks through the file given to her.

"School records do show that both of these girls are in all AP classes and got straight As. Study group's plausible. Maybe they are jammed up." She suggested.

"Allison's dad woke up to an email this morning from Uber saying she booked a car in his account last night." Antonio countered.

"What the hell's an Uber?" Alvin wondered with Hank looking confused as well.

"It's basically a Taxi service, but it's an app on your phone. Instead of a cab you get any old random car. Instead of cash, it's credit card." Ana explained as the two older men nodded in understanding.

"I'm gonna call the company, see if I can get in touch with the driver." Adam informed.

"Good, and you call State's Attorney Kot. I want a warrant for both girls' cell phones and computers." Hank ordered Kevin.

"You got it, boss." He nodded as the Sergeant turns to his wife.

"Hey, they got GPS on Ubers?" He inquired.

"Every single one of them." Ana replied as Hank turned to Jay.

"All right, I want-"

"Yep, I got it." The Detective cuts him off.

"Yeah, all that stuff." Hank finished as Adam gets off the phone.

"Hey, guys." He called as both Sergeants grunted in response. "We got a problem with the Uber driver." He informed.

*Crime Scene*

Hank, Ana, Alvin, and Antonio walk over to the abandoned Uber  car the girls had taken.

"Plates match. This is the car the girls were in. Found blood in the backseat. Forensics is on its way." Antonio listed.

"Who called it in?" Hank asked an officer, who pointed to a man in a brown vest, talking to another officer. "Get me his name, all his info." He ordered.

The officer walked away as the Intelligence team members gazed into the black car, catching sight of the bloodied leather seats. Ana, being the closest to the driver's side, spots a large amount of blood on the floor of that area.

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