Daydream Believer

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A/N This is the last in a three part crossover. It starts with Fire's "We Called Her Jellybean", continues with PD's "The Number of Rats" and ends with the above titled episode. Relax and enjoy the read.

~Princess <3

P.S the YouTube video is for the very end. Also, I apologise if Barba seems a little ooc during a part of this.

*District 21: Bullpen*

The Sergeants storm in with Erin in between them.

"That son of a bitch is toying with us." Hank growled.

"If he left his phone in the basement next to a bottle of nail polish and a lighter, then he knew we were tracking it." Ana concluded as Erin turns to Jay, who's at his desk.

"Hey, Fin, Ruzek, and Amaro are still tearing the house apart." She informed, sitting at her desk.

"We had eyes on him less than an hour ago. He couldn't have gone far." Jay pointed out. "We have alerts on his car, his I-PASS, his credit cards." He listed.

"Look, everybody is in on this. Have Nadia set up a civilian hotline." Hank ordered, turning around and spotting an empty desk.

"The Hell? Where's Nadia?" Ana wondered, following her husband's gaze.

Jay looked down at his computer, finding a sticky note on the monitor.

"She had to run an errand." He replied, looking at Erin as Hank walked over to a filing cabinet. "She borrowed your car."

"An errand?" She questioned, picking up her desk phone an dialling a number.

"She went to pick up your birthday cake. It was supposed to be a surprise." Jay sighed.

"Straight to voicemail." Erin informed, hanging up the phone.

Hank pulled open a drawer and slammed in shut in anger. He walked over to his wife and wrapped an arm around her, seeing that Ana looked like she was going to be be sick.

*Time Skip brought to by the cute Baby in the store Yates went to*

The couple and Jay are crowded around Erin's desk when they catch sight of Kim and Sean rushing up the stairs.

"All right, tell me you got something." Hank pleaded.

"We found Yates' car parked across from the district. CSU's tearing it apart, and there was. . ." Sean trailed off, unable to finish his sentence.

"What?" Erin pushed.

"A smashed birthday cake on the ground." Kim finished, voice cracking slightly. "No other sign of Nadia."

Erin sighed and perched on the side of the desk facing towards the Office.

"Okay, he snatched her right off the street." Hank began.

"Somebody had to have seen something." Ana pointed out.

"Patrol's still canvassing. Also checking on traffic and security cams." Sean informed.

"This is not on you." Jay assured, walking over to Erin.

"She went to get my birthday cake. She went outside because of me." She argued.

"We don't know anything for sure." Jay pointed out.

"We know she didn't just take off, Jay. She's in trouble. We've got to find her." Erin insisted.

"Here we go." Sean sighed as he answered his ringing phone.

"All right, let's just not panic until we know." Jay suggested.

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