Category 5

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A/N This is a Chicago Fire episode but it's a mini crossover with PD that spans three episodes but the third will be in a separate book entirely. I do the episodes as they're chronologically aired so the next chapter will be a regular PD episode (there's a time Skip of a few days so the next chapter occurs within then) and then the one after is the second part to this. If you've seen these episodes then you obviously know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Also I forgot to write it in, but Ana was with Matt whenever he went to see Jack Nesbitt. Ana knew how shady he was and didn't want Matt to go alone so she went with him and pretended to be his (mute) body guard (which she sort of was) to explain why she had a gun on her.

~Princess <3

*Firehouse 51*

A black SUV pulls up outside the building and two people could be heard bickering inside. A few seconds later, the passenger door opens and Ana steps out. She closes it and walks around to the driver's side.


"Henry, I know, it's a long shot." Ana cut Hank off. "But please, at least try to talk to him first. If it doesn't work-"

"Which it won't." He retorted.

"Then I will step in." Ana finished. "Okay?"

"Fine." Hank conceded.

The two shared a quick kiss and the older man watched his wife walk to the apparatus floor before speeding off towards the District.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Kelly inquired, having witnessed the entire thing while talking with Scott.

"Just some police stuff." Ana replied.

"What's police stuff?" Matt wondered as he walked over, having just arrived at the building.

"You'll find out later." She smirked, walking inside with the truck Lieutenant right behind her.

As they walked further into the room, the two noticed Mouch, Otis, and Joe huddled by the far right table. On said piece of furniture, is a basket full of goodies. However, what really caught Matt's eye, was the bottle of alcohol in Joe's hands.

"Hey, is that Old Rumpelstiltskin 20?" He inquired, taking the bottle from him. "Who brought that in?"

"Uh, it's for you, actually." Otis replied, grabbing a card. "It's from Jack Nesbitt, says many apologies."

Matt set the bottle on the table and took the card from Otis.

"That the strip club guy? What happened?" Mouch wondered.

"Difference of opinion." Matt answered.

"That's an understatement." Ana remarked.

"Either way, I'm done with Stilettos." He stated, tossing the card on the table and walking towards the locker room.

"Ha-ha." Joe laughed as he grabbed the liquor and sat down, shaking it a bit.

His victory was short lived as Ana took the bottle from him.

"No drinking on the job." She scolded, walking off to return the alcohol to its rightful owner.

*Time Skip brought to you by this next scene in it's entirety*

Ana was walking through the halls but came to an abrupt stop as she saw Connie rushing over to Matt a few feet away. Ana ducked behind a nearby wall, fully wanting to hear this conversation, knowing what it might be about.

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