Push the Pain Away

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*Lakeshore Sports and Fitness.

Hank made a short detour to pick up Ana before heading to the crime scene. They found the rest of the team there, crouched behind a few squad cars, guns raised. The Sergeants made their way over to Antonio, raising their own weapons, wanting to know what the hell was going on.

"Responding officer says five victims so far. Last shot fired two minutes ago. Shooters could still be inside." The Detective informed.

"How many?" Hank wondered.

"No idea." Antonio replied. "Witness says they're wearing balaclavas and tac gear. SWAT and deputy are en route. Should I initiate a Plan 4?" He inquired.

"Yes. On our authority." Ana confirmed.

"And contain this crowd. None of these people can leave. Go! Go!" Hank ordered.

The Sergeants watch their team storm inside the building. After a few minutes of silence, save for a gunshot, a voice comes through the radio.

"Antonio, basement's clear." Jay informed. "I hope your perimeter's in place."

"Copy." He replied, walking over to Hank and Ana. "Three got away. We have one in custody."

The Sergeants followed him to an Office within the building, finding one of the shooters inside with a gunshot wound in his leg. He's sitting on a chair with his hands cuffed behind his back.

"Huh. Why don't you guys grab a soda?" Hank suggested to the guards by the door.

They caught on and walked away. Antonio left them to it and the couple walked inside.

"So, what's your name?" Ana wondered.

When he didn't answer, Hank slapped him; hard.

"I'll ask you again. What's your name?" She repeated, receiving only silence in return.

Hank proceeded to shrug off his leather jacket and walk meancingly towards the shooter.

"We're gonna ID you and the rest of your buddies. They'll have this wrapped up before the papers come out tomorrow." Ana assured. "Right now, you have a choice. You can play it smart. Tell us who you are. Give up the others." She suggested.

"I'm not gonna fall for your cop tricks." The shooter spat.

"I don't see any tricks here, do you?" Ana wondered, turning to her husband.

"Nope." Hank answered, raising his leg and pressing his boot on the shooter's wound.

Said person inhaled sharply as Hank folded his hands and leaned on said leg, putting most of his weight on it for good measure.

"I'll ask one more time. Who are they?" Ana questioned, recieving nothing but a pained grunt in reply. "Fine, at least tell me where they went." She sighed.

Hank, fed up with the man's silence, removed his foot and grabbed the shooter's shirt instead. He proceeded to rip him out of the chair and throw him on the ground.

"Man, what are you trying to prove?" Hank wondered. "Where are they?"

"If you have to ask, you're already too late." The shooter laughed, coughing slightly.

The two Sergeants share a look before exiting the room.

*District 21: Bullpen*

(A/N I'm sorry if some of the lines are fudged. I totally forgot who said what here so I went along with what seemed right)

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