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Hello! This is my first time writing a fanfic (and my first time writing a story that's more than 20 pages in a Word doc), so I really hope you'll like it and have fun reading it :D

First, I just want to say that this whole idea was inspired (infired maaaan) by a random joke I made with my friends, so I'm honestly surprised it's come this far.

Second, if any member of BTS ever happens to read this, I sincerely apologize for writing this weirdness and I hope that I at least somewhat accurately captured your characters.

Third, I have been writing this since February, 2020 and already have several chapters written, but for the sake of regularity, I will be updating a chapter once a week (or two chapters if one is shorter). I hope that's alright with everyone!

Thank you so much for reading!

~ Xoxo Jewelea ~

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