Chapter 32

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 "So," Jane May declared on the phone about a week after I'd finally gotten those stupid casts off, "since college has basically been canceled other than stupid online classes, my friends and I are basically free as birds for the coming semester."

"Okay. And...?" I asked, somewhat warily, wondering where exactly she was going with this.

"And I was doing some research and started thinking that...." She paused and continued hesitantly, "maybe we could visit you?"

My eyes flew open in surprise. Of all the possible things she could've said, this was the one I'd been least expecting.

Frantically, I started searching for something to say. She was probably gonna start having a mental break down if I didn't answer soon. "I... um.... Well, I'd need to check with people...."

"Never mind, don't worry, we'd probably be annoying and get in your way anyway. Forget it; it was a dumb idea."

"It wasn't a dumb idea, stop it, I'm just... thinking. Are you sure foreigners are even allowed to come here?"

She laughed. "Yes. As I said, I did my research. We'd need to do a bunch of annoying things, including getting tested for COVID, having said test be negative, filling out some sort of medical form, and quarantining ourselves for fourteen days at our own freaking expense at a government facility — no offense, but that totally sounds like a scam — but then we'd be free to do whatever. So, a little annoying, but we've talked about it and, well, as long as you and everyone important is okay with it, we're fine with it." She took a breath. "That was a lot of talking."

I grinned. "I will ask people if that's okay. Maybe you guys could stay in Seokjin-hyung's apartment.... It's in our building. Or Hobi-hyung's."

"Oh my gosh, yes, that would be perfect! Only if it's okay, of course." She squealed, making me burst out in laughter. "Ahhh, oh gosh, I really hope it's okay!!!! I'm so excited!! Jeez, though, I really need to stop getting my hopes up...." She sighed. "Okay. Go check with people ASAP and report back. That is your mission."

Chuckling, I saluted, even though she couldn't see me. "Copy that."

She giggled. "Good. Seriously, though, go talk to people and I'm gonna go to bed."

I rolled my eyes at her bluntness. "Okay. Goodnight. Maybe you'll dream about me."

"Maybe," she agreed, laughing softly. "I hope so."

Grinning, I whispered, "Sleep well. I love you."

"How the heck do you expect me to sleep now?!" she asked, giggling uncontrollably. "My brain's probably gonna play that on a loop all night!"

God, she's such a nut. "In that case... should I say that I don't love you?"

"Yah, don't be stupid. Anyway, I love you too but I'm gonna hang up now so you don't end up keeping me up all night." She paused for a breath. "This is goodbye."

"Goodbye," I managed to say before she hung up. You're gonna kill me if you keep saying things like that, I thought, finishing my would-be response to her in my head.

After gathering my things for the day, I left my room, pausing by the kitchen to grab some banana milk. I downed it on my way to Jimin and Hoseok's room and opened their unlocked door, poking my head around it. Hobi-hyung was sprawled across his bed on his stomach, playing some game on his phone while waiting for Jimin, who seemed to still be in the bathroom.

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