Chapter 38

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Having left Sofia in the excellent care of Yoongi-hyung (I managed to bring him into our conversation by shouting, "Hey, Yoongi-hyung, did you know Sofia used to perform in the Metropolitan Children's Opera?"), I decided to seek out the company of the girl I actually wanted to be around (No offense, Sofia). Thankfully, Jimin had been distracted by some game Prudence was playing on her phone (I think it was something about dragons), so Jane May was no longer being harassed and was sitting quite contently listening to Helena and Hoseok's chaotic conversation.

    I tiptoed towards her, trying to be as quiet as I could, my lips twisting into a smirk as I planned my attack. A couple sock-clad steps more and I was right behind her. She was turned away from me, giggling at the gestures and phrases Helena and Hobi were using to communicate with each other. I paused behind her and held my breath so she wouldn't hear me and ruin my plan. Leaning over, I snaked my arms around her shoulders, savoring the way she shivered as I pressed my lips against her ear.

    "I missed you... Noona," I whispered, trying not to laugh as she stiffened.

    She groaned. "Not you too. It's bad enough that Jimin's calling me that."

    I grinned, climbing over the arm of the couch so I could sit behind her. "Now you know how I feel about oppa."

    She snorted softly, shifting over to give me room. "Touché."

    "So...," I murmured, biting my lip, "do you want to come see my room now?"

    She stayed silent, ignoring me. I let out a huff and blew on her neck, grinning as she jerked away from me.

    "What the heck, Jeongguk?!" she exclaimed, turning toward me.

    I wiped the smirk off my face and stared at her, eyes wide, feigning innocence. "Did you hear me?"

    She shot daggers at me. "Yes," she spat.

    God, she's cute when she's pissed.

    "Is that a 'Yes you want to see my room' or a 'Yes you heard me'?"

    She rolled her eyes. "What do you think?"

    I raised one eyebrow and glanced down at her pouting lips. Fuck, the things she could do with them if she ever wanted to....

    Her cheeks tinged pink and she turned away from me sharply, leaving me staring at her mahogany hair.

    Damn it. Time for a new strategy.

    I was halfway through thinking up plan b when she turned back toward me, just slightly, jarring me out of my train of thought.

    She stayed paused in that position, her head halfway turned toward mine, for several moments before mumbling, "If... you really want to show me your room... I guess now would be a good time. Since everyone else is preoccupied."

    My eyes shot open in surprise. "R—really?"

    She nodded, her hair bouncing gently up and down.

    "Hell, yeah!" I whisper-shouted, spirits very much raised. Letting go of her, I stood up, eagerly anticipating what would happen after I dragged her back to my room.

    She climbed off the couch, her face still a flustered shade of red, looking around nervously, glancing away quickly every time she met my eyes.

    Oh, God can she hurry up?

    I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the living room, ignoring the teasing "Where are you two going?" that followed us. After what felt like an eternity, we reached the door to my room and I pushed her inside, closing and locking the door behind me.

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