Chapter 43

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    This Sabrina girl was seriously getting on my nerves. She'd been talking to me throughout the entire meal and it was taking my all to keep from snapping at her and asking if she would be kind enough to shut the mother fucking fuck up and leave me the bloody hell alone.

    She had snuck her hand onto my thigh twice already and I'd had to drop my phone that same number of times to get it off. This lady just couldn't take a hint.

    But at least it seemed to be bothering Jane. If there was any consolation for my suffering, at least her eyes were narrowed a little more than usual and every time Sabrina laughed at one of my not-even-remotely-good jokes, sounding as close to a donkey as a human being possibly could, I got the privilege of seeing Jane roll her eyes and shake her head in disgust. So, all in all, it wasn't the worse thing ever.

    Finally, when Sabrina had put her hand on my thigh for the third time, I stood up, excusing myself.

    "I'll be right back," I told her, gritting my teeth slightly.

    "Okay, Handsome, but don't take too long," she said, flashing me a coy smile. I felt my stomach twist with nausea and left as quickly as I could, worried that if I stayed in her presence for any longer I might actually puke.

    I found the bathroom without too much hassle and went about my business, stalling as I washed my hands twice, staring into the slightly streaky mirror as the sound of running water filled my ears.

    What are you doing, Jeongguk? I asked myself, examining the man staring back at me. She's engaged. It's time to get over her.

    My eyes raked across my tired face, lingering on the faded scar marring the side of my face.

    You're not going to be young for long. Maybe... maybe you should give that Sabrina girl a chance.

    I cringed at that, shutting the water off abruptly and drying my hands on paper towels.

    Yeah, there's no way in hell. Not with that Sabrina girl at least. I'd rather die.

    Having made up my mind, I left the bathroom, heading back to our table. I shuffled my feet slightly, dragging out the moments before I'd be forced to sit next to that Sabrina girl again. As I rounded the corner, I slowed even more, glancing over the group. My eyes skimmed over all the people, landing finally on Jane and then the vacant seat beside her.

    I pursed my lips slightly, tilting my head before settling on my next action. Forcing my feet to move, I headed toward the table, striding up to the empty seat beside her, trying to ignore Sabrina's pout as I put my hand on the back on Jane's chair, poking my head forward.

    Jane jumped, flinching away from me, clutching her hand to her chest. Her eyes were opened wide and her mouth had formed a little "o."

    "You— you scared me," she said, breathily, dragging her hands down into her lap.

    "Sorry," I lied, internally cracking up at her flustered reaction.

    She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and glanced back at her half-empty plate. "It's okay."

    "So...," I started, looking around, "where'd the fiancé go?"

    "Oh." She pushed her food around on her plate. "Work. Something important came up."

    My brain sparked. "In that case... is this seat taken?"

    She glanced up at me, raising her eyebrows before looking over at where Sabrina was sitting. "No. Is there trouble in paradise?"

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