Chapter 22

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"Princess," I heard Jeongguk whisper eventually, "I'm sorry for ignoring you."

I stayed quiet for a long while. "I don't care," I said eventually. "I don't want to talk to you anyway. Leave me alone."

My room was starting to get dark and I could hear the beginnings of my mom making dinner in the kitchen. In my room, the ladder creaked. I swallowed nervously, but didn't roll over. There was no way I'd give him the satisfaction.

"Princess," he murmured, placing his hand on my hip, "please don't be mad at me."

"Don't touch me," I snapped, roughly pushing it away. "And stop calling me that. I'm not your princess."

"I'm sorry. I just... please don't be mad."

I felt the bed shift and suddenly my face was wet with tears as the dam gave way to my bottled up emotions. "P—please go away," I managed to get out in between gasping sobs. "I... I don't — want you t—to see... me cr—cry."

He touched my shoulder gently and when I didn't protest, he lay down next to me, wrapping his arms around my shaking body. "I'm sorry," he murmured, tucking me against his chest like a child. "Please... don't cry."

I sniffled, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand and really wishing I had a tissue.

"Please look at me," he whispered. "I know... you're embarrassed, but... please don't hide."

"But... I don't want to get snot on you." I burst into semi-hysterical giggles, somehow managing to laugh and cry at the same time.

Jeongguk was quiet for a moment and then asked, "What's... snot?"

I wiped my face and turned towards him. "Snot," I said, pointing at my nose. "That is where it comes from."

He nodded in understanding and laughed softly, reaching out to brush the tears off my cheeks. "I'm so sorry. I didn't... want to make you cry." He pressed his lips to my forehead.

"It's okay," I breathed, curling up against him. "I didn't mean to make you mad."

Sighing, he pulled me closer. "I know."

"So... you forgive me, right?"

"Of course. Do you... forgive me?"

I nodded, the last of my tears falling onto his shirt.


~ — ~

BANG! My door slammed open as my brother burst in, loudly announcing, "It's time for dinner! Get off your butts!"

I sat up, scared half to death, and quickly grabbed Jeongguk's arm as he started to fall off the edge of my bed.

"Daniel, jeez, can you knock next time? You almost gave me a heart attack!" I shouted as he left the room.

Jeongguk stood up and I reluctantly crawled out of bed, turning on the floor lamp.

"Does it look like I've been crying?" I asked him quietly, using two hair clips to keep my dark hair away from my face.

He touched my cheek, tilting my head back slightly so he could see me better. "No," he said finally, the hint of a smile on his lips. "You just... look beautiful."

Leaning towards me, he gave me a quick kiss and as he pulled away I beamed up at him.

"Thank you," I whispered, saying it the way I would've said "I love you" if I ever had the guts. Not that I loved him or anything.

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