Chapter 31

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 I woke up in a cold sweat. Rolling over in bed, I ran my hand across the sheets, still half asleep, searching for her. I needed her to hold me, to feel her soft hands tracing the contours of my back, soothing my tense body with her cool touch.

"Baby, where are you?" I mumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I sat up, groggily looking around my dark room.

Oh. Right.

I collapsed back onto my pillows, squeezing my eyes shut. Maybe if I pretended I was still asleep, I could get back to that dream. Where it was just us, all alone, with no one and nothing to keep our bodies apart. To stop us from becoming one.

Pressing my hands to my face, I rolled over. My heart was aching with longing and a feeling of burning desire was starting to drive me crazy. I shot out my hand and before I even realized what was happening, I had found my phone on the table beside my bed and was dialing Jane May's number.

Wait, what the hell am I doing?

I fumbled frantically with my phone, trying to end the call, but before I could she picked up.

"Hey, Jeonggukie," she said lazily and instantly, as if by magic, I felt myself relax. God, her voice.... "What's up?"

"Hi, Baby," I mumbled, closing my eyes. "I just... wanted to hear your voice."

She chuckled softly. "Okay. Did you have a bad dream or something though? You don't usually call me at this time.... Isn't it, like, almost four in the morning for you?"

I wouldn't call it a bad dream, I thought. "No. I just... I just missed you."

She sighed. "Trust me, I miss you too. And you're sure everything's okay? It kinda sound like something's on your mind. You can talk to me, you know. If you want to, of course."

I bit my lip. "I... I don't know.... I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

"Aw, sweet Jeonggukie, you could never make me uncomfortable. It's okay, You can tell me what's on your mind."

I stayed quiet, trying to figure out what to say and if I even wanted to risk saying anything at all. The last thing I wanted was to freak her out. I mean, I knew she wasn't that innocent, but still, I didn't want to overstep my bounds. Finally, still unsure of what to do, I simply said, "I... dream about you... a lot."

"Okay." She laughed quietly. "Is that a problem or something?"

I bristled. "Yes, it's a problem. Every night I'm suffering because of you."

"Every night...? Well, dang...." From the tone of her voice, I could tell she was curious and I couldn't help wishing that she'd as me for more details. So I could have free rein to tell her all about the sins we committed in my dreams. So I could maybe build up the nerve to ask if she might want to do some of them in real life, maybe even the next time I saw her, though I was already pretty sure of what her answer would be.

"Anyway, I'm sorry about that," she finally said. "I wish there was something I could do to help you out with that, but I don't think there's anything I could do...."

Aish, there were plenty of things she could do to help me out, but the problem was, a) there was less than a 1% chance she'd do them and b) even if she would, she wasn't even here in the first place!

I sighed. "You could send me nudes."

She burst out laughing. "Um, hell no. Also, I don't see how that would help. Wouldn't something like that just make your dreams worse?"

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