Chapter 34

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 When they were finally settled in Seokjin's apartment, I made my escape, but not before Jane May cornered me.

"So, what do you think?" she asked quietly.

"Of what?"

"My friends," she whispered, gesturing down the hall to where they were shouting about who was gonna sleep where.

My lips twitched into a smirk beneath my mask and my eyebrows rose. "Honestly?"

She nodded, looking up at me solemnly.

"I think... they're insane. And terrifying. And funny. Very entertaining.... And they're probably great people given that you've stuck with them so long."

She laughed softly. "So... you like them?"

I nodded. "Yeah, well, you have good taste, so I think I'd probably like any of your friends."

Her eyes glittered with mirth. "Yeah, I guess I do have good taste.... I mean, just look at my boyfriend."

Pressing my lips together, I glanced down the hall, just so I wouldn't have to see the smug look in her eyes as my face turned red. "Wow. I set that up for you perfectly, huh?"

"Yeah... you walked right into that." She sighed and turned, looking down the hall. "I should probably go make sure they're not making me sleep on the floor or something."

Having somewhat regained my composure, I nodded, laughing. "Okay. Let me know if you need help. Love you."

"Will do. Love ya too." She turned to walk down the hallway and quick as lightning I reached out and slapped her ass. Because why not?

She spun around, her eyes wide and her hands now shielding her butt from another attack.

"Sir, your days are numbered," she declared, removing one hand from her bum to shake her pointer finger at me, in what seemed like a bold risk to me. "Watch yourself."

I laughed at her. "Fourteen days, right?"

She nodded, grinning. "Fourteen days and then you're mine."

I raised one eyebrow.

"As in mine to murder, you... stupid!" she shouted, turning down the hallway. Throwing her hands up in exasperation, she cried, "God, why's he such an idiot?"

God, she's hilarious. Just as quickly as she'd removed her hands, she brought them back to her butt, looking over her shoulder at me suspiciously.

"Begone, demon," she said, still glaring at me.

Trying not to wheeze, I nodded and opened the door. "The demon is leaving. At ease young virgin."

She burst out laughing and leaned against the wall, like she was trying to make sure she wouldn't fall over. "What the heck, Jeongguk, just go away will you?"

"Yeah, okay, okay. Bye. I love you."

She shook her head at me. "You know, one of these days you're gonna drive me crazy." She grinned. "And I love you too. Obviously."

Beaming like I'd never been happier — and I wasn't sure if I had — I finally left Seokjin's apartment. The next fourteen days were gonna kill me. But at least we were lucky enough to arrange for them to stay at one of our apartments instead of the hotel they were originally supposed to stay at. This way, even if we couldn't really hang out with them, at least they'd all be much more comfortable and could get settled in. Not to mention they were saving a ton of money. Honestly, it seemed a little silly that they had to quarantine when they'd all been tested negative, but we weren't about to go breaking rules and upsetting the government, especially when we were already getting special treatment.

I wondered if it would have been smarter for me to just quarantine with them at this point, now that I'd spent an hour driving them from the airport and helping them with their bags and everything. But I doubt they'd be remotely okay with that. And it wouldn't be fair to Hyung. Why should I get to see my girlfriend if he couldn't see his? And he hadn't even gotten to say hi. If I were him, I'd be dying right now. Poor Hyung.

These next two weeks were going to be hell.

A//n: I am so so very sorry about the late update. I was going to do it last night, but I'm at home now with my family, so I got distracted by all sorts of other things. Anyway, I hope you are all having a merry Advent season and having fun with friends and family as Christmas draws near!

Love you all, and thanks so much for reading!! As always, it means a lot :D 

Also, since this is a short chapter, I'll upload an extra one (also as an apology for the late update).

~xoxo Jewelea

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