Chapter 50

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    I drove back to our hotel with the stupidest grin on my face. While cars and streetlights flew past me, the only thing on my mind was that she was mine. Officially this time, the way it should've been two years ago if she hadn't been an idiot.

    With her walking with me, staying by my side, there was nothing to fear. Even when BTS finally disbanded, as scary as that was, it would be okay. I'd have something better to do anyway. Or someone.

    Jeongguk, I scolded myself, let's not get in yet another car crash because you're distracted by your horniness.

    By the time I made it back to the hotel, it was almost 5 in the morning and dawn was nearing. I made my way back to my room in one exhausted piece and crashed onto my bed, too lazy to bother with changing out of my suit. Before completely passing on, I remembered to set an alarm for nine thirty am so I'd have time to get ready in the morning.

~ — ~

    When my alarm started blaring in the morning, I was startled awake with the memory of Jane's lips fresh on my mind.

    And not just innocent kisses either, but some very distinct sins which were definitely mere fragments of my imagination. Being good was such a struggle when every cell in my body ached desperately for her touch. Even more so when all the lustful thoughts I could usually control during the day came out in my dreams like demons dead set on dragging me down to Hell.

    I climbed off the bed groggily and stumbled my way into the bathroom to take a much needed cold shower.

    Fuck, Jane, why are you always driving me crazy, even when you're not around?

~ — ~

    It was fifteen minutes to noon and I was still waiting. I was sitting on her family's stoop trying very hard to be patient, but I wasn't doing a very good job. Checking my phone again, I read her most recent text, from ten minutes ago, saying that she was still getting dressed. Exasperated and driven in part by some major sexual frustration, I stood up and clomped down the steps, turning around so I could see the window to her room.

    The flowery curtains were closed, but I could see the glow of her light peeking around the edges.

    Jeez, woman, hurry up, I thought, crossing my arms. At this rate, we're going to be late.

    Finally, with seven minutes to spare, she burst through the front door, damp hair hanging in waves down to her mid-back.

    "Sorry, sorry!" she said, dashing down the steps and grabbing my hand. "I couldn't find the dress I wanted to wear."

    I glanced down at her clothes, taking in her floral blouse tucked into a light washed jean skirt. "It's okay," I told her, matching her brisk pace as we walked up the street, our hands swinging back and forth. "You look pretty."

    She smiled. "I tried. Did you sleep okay?"

    Mentally, I choked. "Uh... yeah. Pretty well. You?"

    Yawning, as if to answer my question, she nodded. "Okay, I guess. I probably could've slept in until three pm, but it's all good. Church is important."

    Watching as streaks of sunlight caught on her eyelashes, turning them gold, I couldn't help grinning. It was as if the universe was trying to confirm what I already knew: that she had to be an angel, sent from Heaven (from God?) to save me. To make me complete.

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