Chapter 5

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My body temperature rose at least ten degrees and I pressed my lips together and nodded, trying to keep my face from doing anything embarrassing. I looked over at Jungkook, whose face was just as pink as mine probably was.

Namjoon glanced back and forth between us. "Am I missing something here? You guys are acting really weird."

My sanity broke and I brought my hands to my face, hiding my now probably flaming red face behind them. "Nothing," I groaned. "Nothing happened."

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked, sounding very concerned. I heard him turn to Jungkook and start speaking rapidly in Korean.

Jungkook responded, sounding slightly defensive.

"Really, nothing bad happened," I said, mostly removing my hands from my face. "Don't be mad at him, it was just a misunderstanding... sort of."

Namjoon looked back at me.

"Did you tell him what happened?" I asked Jungkook, leaning around Namjoon slightly to avoid his eye contact.

Jungkook glanced at Namjoon and then back at me. He shook his head.

I hesitated, then asked, "Should we tell him what happened? I really don't want to but if it'll be worse not to say anything... then maybe we should."

Jungkook pressed his lips together thoughtfully. "If it's really okay... I'll tell him."

I nodded, grateful that I at least wouldn't have the burden of saying out loud what had happened. "It's okay."

Jungkook turned to Namjoon, who was still looking quite confused and concerned, and started speaking to him quietly in Korean. After a couple moments, he went silent.

I blinked, watching them and seriously wishing I understood Korean so that I'd know what Jungkook had said... and how descriptive he'd gotten.

Namjoon sat still for a few seconds, before reaching over and solidly whacking Jungkook on the shoulder. Namjoon then proceeded to speak rapidly in Korean, clearly giving Jungkook a decent scolding. Whether he was paying attention was another question, as he was staring at me the whole time.

As the lecture continued, I mouthed, "Sorry" to Jungkook, hoping that he could lip read English. Apparently, he could, or at least got the gist, as he smiled discreetly back at me and gave me a little thumbs up.

When Namjoon finally finished his lecture, he turned back to me. "I'm so so so sorry about that."

I smiled. "It's really fine. More embarrassing than anything else, so I'm more than ready to pretend that never happened." I paused. "So let's pretend that never happened."

Thankfully, Namjoon agreed, and I turned back to the puzzle. I looked over into the living room and was about to call out to my grandpa, but I saw that he'd fallen asleep on the couch, so I decided not to bother him. I'll leave the puzzle out so he can see it later, I thought, leaning my right elbow against the table and propping up the side of my jaw on my fist. I sighed slightly, watching the clock.

"Are you... bored?" Jungkook asked, raising an eyebrow as he watched me slouch.

"Hmmm," I mused, straightening myself back up. "Not to be rude, but I believe I might be. How is texting my friend going?"

Jungkook shrugged slightly and gestured to Namjoon, who was grinning stupidly in between us, thoroughly preoccupied and stuck in his own world.

I grinned at Jungkook, leaning around Namjoon so that we could talk more easily. "It seems like they've hit it off. My master plan of getting Namjoon to marry her seems off to a good start."

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