Chapter 4

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Jungkook stared back at me, his eyes flickering up and down several times before he wordlessly stepped backwards and shut the curtain. And it was like nothing had even happened. Except that something most definitely had, because my freaking bias had just seen me standing here with my baggy white shirt knotted around my waist putting my undies and not-exactly thicc thighs all on display. But at least I'd managed to shave yesterday. And at least my undies were actually kinda cute.

As I finished getting dressed, I tried desperately not to think about what had just happened, though knowing me, it was inevitable.

Was he checking me out? I thought as I tugged on my blue skinny jeans and exchanged my white tee for a black waffle textured long-sleeved shirt that I'd stolen from my dad. Eh, I doubt it. After tucking the front of it into my jeans slightly, I fluffed up my hair a bit, watching myself in the mirror, and let out a deep breath.

It was at that moment when in the mirror I noticed a pile on the bed behind me. I turned around, my eyes settling on a jumbled mess of coats that had been tossed haphazardly onto my bed.

Oh! I realized, my eyes going wide. Their coats are here! That's why he came in!

I still felt like an idiot, but at least now there was a solid reason why Jungkook had just walked in on me, that reason thankfully seeming to have nothing to do with him being a pervert. And besides, he didn't seem disgusted or horrified and he definitely didn't look like he was gonna vomit, so that's a good sign. And he didn't laugh either.

So on that, somewhat positive, note, I forced my feet to carry me back out into the kitchen. Which was empty.

Well, now I just have to worry about how many people know what just happened, I thought to myself.

I could hear noise coming from the living room, so I quietly walked until I was just next to the china cabinet and peered around it. On the tv, I could see an episode of what was presumably Battle Bots, as there were two robots fighting on the screen. Scattered across the chairs, carpet, and couch were all the members of BTS, plus my Grandpa and little brother. When Tomb Stone had finally delivered the fatal attack to Bronco, I heard and saw them give a little cheer.

Jungkook was sitting on the floor, crisscross applesauce, leaning back on his hands. The show went to commercial, and before I had a chance to duck my head back behind the china cabinet, he turned his head and saw me. Thinking that it'd be worse to hide at that point, I stayed there staring back at him. After several moments of intense eye contact, during which my body temperature surely increased by 10 degrees, he looked away.

Was that a blush I just saw? I asked myself, slightly jungshook. For a brief second, I contemplated the idea of going and sitting next to him, but decided that it would probably make me more uncomfortable than it would make him, so definitely not worth it. I headed back to my room and grabbed one of the three hundred piece puzzles that were on the shelves. Normally, I'd do a five hundred or seven hundred fifty piece one, but given that I was probably gonna leave in a few hours, I decided to take one I would actually have a chance of finishing.

I walked back to the dining room table and set the box down. After sweeping any crumbs off the table with my hand, I sat down and opened the box. As I sorted through the pieces, taking out any edges and pieces from the house or garden, I occasionally glanced up to check if anyone was watching me. After several minutes, during which I found as many edges as I could and put them in their respective places, Namjoon got up and came over.

"Are you doing a puzzle?" he asked, pulling a chair closer to me and sitting on it.

"Yeah," I replied, my eyes staying focused on the pieces in front of me. "I like puzzles."

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