Chapter 14

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 "So... I think I have a boyfriend now," I told Sofia and Helena as we stood in the crowd of people who, like us, were waiting for the library to open.

"Oh my gosh, it's so exciting!" Helena cried, her short caramel blond hair bouncing around her shoulders as she moved excitedly.

"Jane, you've literally been saying that all weekend," Prudence said, appearing magically behind me.

"She's in shock," Sofia explained, laughing.

"Exactly. I'm still trying to convince myself that this is real."

Helena snorted, cracking the rest of us up.

"Aren't those hickeys enough proof for you?"

"Prudence!" I felt myself blush as I glanced around nervously at the people around us.

Sofia burst into laughter. "I just can't believe what your brother said about cutting his junk off and eating it! Like, cutting it off, no, but eating it...." She smirked at me. "That's a different story."

I buried my face in my hands as they practically cackled with amusement. "You guys are the worst."

"Honey, we're just here to make fun of you and to make sure you don't turn into a hoe," Prudence said teasingly.

I laughed. "I think you might need to work harder on that second one."

Sofia laughed. "You mean like how he worked harder on you?"

I rolled my eyes. "I really hate you guys sometimes."

"Guys, we're moving," Helena said, pulling us out of our bubble. We shuffled forward in the crowd, scanning our ID cards as we entered the library. Once we were inside, we quickly went over to one of the round tables next to the windows and claimed it.

"Okay, but for real though," Helena started, leaning her elbows on the table, "are you guys official?"

I shrugged. "Honestly... I have no idea and I feel awkward about asking."

"Okay, back up. How can you have no idea? I mean, he asked you to be his girlfriend, right?" Prudence folded her hands on the table. "Oh, and in case any one was wondering, my date with Namjoon went very well. And I did not get ravaged in my bed because he is a gentleman and unlike Jane, I am not a hoe."

I rolled my eyes. "You've already said that, but that's great. And goodness gracious, he didn't ravage me. And yes, he did ask me to be his girlfriend, or at least he sorta did, but it was all in a very round-about way that by the time I finally answered I'm not sure anymore what I was even answering and now that I've thought about it way too much, I don't even know what really happened anymore!" I took a breath. "So yeah, I'm very confused."

Helena frowned. "Can't you just ask him?"

Sofia nodded in agreement with that suggestion, her rectangular frame-less glasses flickering with light from the window as she moved her head.

I sighed. "Yeah... but I just kinda feel like an idiot for not knowing and I don't want to feel more like an idiot when he answers...."

"Well, either you're an idiot who knows or you're an idiot who doesn't, so take your pick," Prudence said, shrugging.

"Ugh, fine, when you put it that way...." I took out my phone and went to my messages. "What should I say though? 'Cause 'I can't remember if I'm officially your girlfriend' sounds really awful."

Helena laughed. "That does sound bad."

"Why don't you just say what you told us?" Prudence asked. "But a shorter version."

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