Chapter 1

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 It was just a normal day when it happened and my life changed forever.

The day was a Tuesday, and my brother and I were off from school for winter break. My mother had wisely determined that sending my brother to spend the day at our grandparents' place was the safest thing to do, and I had decided that tagging along was the best way to ensure that I got at least as much ice cream as my brother.

Our grandma was stuck with jury duty, so we were just left chilling with Grandpa. While the boys watched Tom and Jerry and BattleBots, I read my Agatha Christie mystery, Murder is Easy, and raided the fridge for food. As I read, tuning out the noise from the tv, I sat at the old butcher block counter, eating more than my fair share of grapes and perfectly red strawberries. Once I'd eaten my fill, I tramped back to my grandparents' room and curled up on their insanely squishy bed to read more of my book.

After a while, my phone buzzed with a text from my grandma. "I'm coming home for lunch," she said.

"Great!" I responded, with a smiley face emoji. "See ya soon!"

After a minute or two, my phone buzzed again. "You'll never guess who I just ran into!" Grandma said.

"Who?" I replied, quickly thinking through all the people I know she knows.

"You'll see!" she sent, with a winking face.

Huh, I thought, frowning slightly. What does THAT mean?

I typed out an "ok" and sent it, turned off my phone, and went back to my book.

A few minutes later, I heard my grandma come back.

"Where's Jane?" I heard her ask. A couple seconds later she came into the bedroom.

"Hi, Grandma," I said, looking up from my book. "How was jury duty?"

"Eh, pretty boring," she replied. "They've separated us into groups and are having us interview. I'm going to make lunch. Do you want a bagel?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," I said, climbing out of the bed and slipping on my fuzzy grey slippers. "But who'd you see?"

She didn't respond, but she looked over her shoulder and winked at me, before waddling back out of the room. I stared after her, eyebrows slightly raised, trying to muddle through what any of this could possibly mean. After a moment of hesitant anxiety, curiosity overwhelmed me and I followed her out.

In the living room, my brother and grandpa were playing with a balloon, so for a second the tension in my stomach ebbed. I mean, if something weird was happening, they probably would've noticed.

As such, I rounded the corner of the china cabinet completely unprepared for what I saw standing opposite me. Correction: whom I saw. 

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