Chapter 41

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Jane May

I found Matthew's hand and held onto it like a lifeline, trying to not feel unbearably awkward about the fact that I was seeing Jeongguk for the first time in years. And that the first thing I'd done was announce that I was taken and very much so. Oh, gosh, what kind of an idiot was I?

Luckily, though, he didn't seem too be too bothered by it. He was exhibiting none of his telltale signs of jealousy, so I guess that meant he'd moved on too. I hope he had. I'd broken up with him for the sake of his happiness, so if he was still miserable, that would've been horrible. He seemed fine though, and while it made me the tiniest bit regretful, I was glad to know he was okay without me.

"Alright, we should get started, yeah?" Namjoon asked, reminding everyone of the reason we were here in the first place.

We quickly talked through the arrangement with everyone in the wedding party, making sure everyone knew the order: first the priest, then Namjoon and Jackson Wang (yes the doctor because apparently they kept in touch and became really good friends — Prudence had no idea how it happened either), then all the groomsmen and bridesmaids, then the maid of honor, the flower girl, and last but not least, Prudence.

As the wedding couple talked quietly, figuring out how to pair the bridesmaids and groomsmen (six of each, believe it or not), everyone else started talking to each other, either catching up or getting to know new friends. Helena and Hoseok were laughing together, and I made me so happy that despite my awkward estrangement from the BTS boys, it hadn't prevented them from getting together. Sofia too had kept in touch with them, and she and Yoongi were currently collaborating on a new album. I'd heard a couple of the tracks already, and they were incredible. The combination of Sofia's voice with Yoongi's was a gift from the gods. They were just friends though, according to Sofia at least, but Prudence, Helena, even Namjoon, and I still thoroughly shipped them.

But while everyone else seemed happy to be there — don't get me wrong, I was thrilled to be here for my best friend's wedding, it was just... the company made it awkward — I couldn't help edging myself away from the group, not exactly thrilled to be forced to walk down the aisle clinging to the arm of one of my ex-boyfriend's best friends. And that was if Prudence and Namjoon didn't decide to be evil and put me next to Jeongguk himself. Knowing them, they probably would.

Which is why, when no less than three minutes later I was ordered to stand next to an equally miserable looking Jeongguk, I was not in the least bit surprised.

Thanks for nothing, Prudence.

I shuffled over to him, silently cursing my best friend and her soon-to-be husband, wondering what in the world I'd ever done to deserve this.

Gathering my courage, I positioned myself to his right, wondering if he would even bother speaking to me. My stomach was doing summersaults and a small part of me thought I might throw up. If I'd known how awful this was going to be, I would've stayed home, pretended I was sick, begged Prudence not to let Namjoon invite him, or just never bro—

"How have you been?"

His soft voice tumbled over me, sending my brain into a dizzying whirlwind of emotions, thoughts, memories.... I blinked, clearing my mind so I could actually answer the question.

"I— I've been good," I managed to say, cringing at the way my voice cracked halfway through. "How about you?"

"Pretty good." He glanced at me, his eyes darting down toward my hands, which were nervously clutching at the fabric of my dress. "Congratulations, by the way. On your engagement."

"Thank you," I mumbled, feeling a surge of shame and embarrassment run through me. Even if it didn't seem to bother him, it still plagued me, the fact that that could've been us. That maybe if I hadn't left him, instead of me being here all content, both of us could've been happy... with each other. Not that Jeongguk was unhappy. Honestly, I couldn't tell. His face was blank and he wasn't nearly as talkative as I remember him being.

Our group moved out into the church's antechamber and after a moment, the rehearsal began. We were in the middle of the group so after the first few pairs, it was our turn to enter. Jeongguk offered me his arm and I smiled shyly, hesitating slightly before taking it.

We walked down the long aisle and there were several distinct times I very nearly tripped because my brain was preoccupied with ensuring that I wasn't doing anything weird to Jeongguk's bicep, which was — unfortunately?— what my hand was holding onto. I could feel the ridge of a vein through his silk dress shirt and it took all my will power to keep my fingers from running over it. Goodness gracious! What was wrong with me?

I managed to successfully keep my eyes straight ahead and my face from doing anything too weird though, and after a too short eternity, Jeongguk deposited me with the other bridesmaids and took his place across from me. As he walked away, I tried — really, really tried — to control my eyes, but they had a mind of their own and, well, let's just say that I checked him out. Like, a lot. For a taken woman, I was definitely falling into very dangerous territory.

He turned around and definitely caught me staring, judging from the slight smirk that appeared as my eyes skittered away from him, settling on the rest of the wedding procession, which they should've been watching the entire time. My face was burning and out of the corner of my eye, I could see a smug little smile on Jeongguk's face.

Oh, that stupid— Why does he always have to look so good?

I was still burning, but it was quickly turning into something else.

That— that jerk! He's gonna pay for that.

A//n: What do you guys think about this part? What should Jane do? 

Thank you for reading!! It means a lot and I really hope you're enjoying the story!! Let me know your thoughts by commenting or voting. I really love seeing your reactions to things so please don't hesitate to tell me.

Also, I am back on campus!!!! Classes start on Wednesday and I'm both excited, but so so nervous haha. It's okay though, I have friends in a fair amount of my classes, so I'm looking forward to it :)

Love you all and good luck with school and anything else you're dealing with! I'll be praying for your well being and safety in general, but if there's anything specifically you'd like me to pray for, please let me know in a comment or message me.

Until next week! :)

~xoxo Jewelea

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