Chapter 24

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 I was sitting in a chair at the side of his bed, resting my head on the mattress next to his hips. As I stared up at his painfully peaceful face, I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen. With these many injuries... how could he possibly keep performing? How could anything go back to normal?

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I turned away, gazing down at his lumpy, blanket-covered legs. They shouldn't have looked like that and I had a sinking suspicion that underneath the covers there were a pair of casts imprisoning him. I shifted, drawing my arms up onto the bed, and buried my face in the crook of my elbow so I wouldn't have to see.

It felt awful to admit, but this was almost too much for me to handle. To look up at his blissfully ignorant face, his lips slightly parted; to hear his soft snores only broken by the occasional murmur or moan; to be here next to him, knowing that the moment he woke up reality would come crashing down... that he might never be able to dance again. And as for singing.... I turned, taking a peek at his broken nose, swollen beyond belief and painted a shade of reddish purple that would've been pretty in any other circumstance. Well, who knows what kind of damage that could've done?

I bit my lip, trying not to cry as I gazed up at him, my eyes raking over the dark stitches stretching from his left temple to the middle of his cheek, forming a curve that sickeningly reminded me of the blade of a scythe. As I watched him, he stirred slightly and his hand slid off his hip, landing limply on my elbow. I picked my head up for a moment, freeing my arm and scooting my chair closer to him. Resettling myself against the bed, I stole a nervous glance towards the door, where Namjoon was still quietly talking to the doctor who'd come to check on Jeongguk. He was still preoccupied, so I gathered the nerve to slip my hand into Jeongguk's and lace our fingers together.

His hand was warm and I could feel his blood steadily pulsing through his veins. I moved closer and brushed my lips against his knuckles, kissing them softly. He smelled like antiseptic and I crinkled my nose, wishing he smelled the way he usually did, like soap and musk and something almost spicy. This scent was too... sterile. It made him seem dead.

At the mere thought, my eyes started to water. I squeezed them shut.

He's not dead, I insisted. He's here and he's breathing and he will be absolutely fine. He has to be.

The door opened and closed with a soft click. Namjoon sighed softly and walked over to the bed. I didn't move and he didn't say anything. His footsteps receded and then got louder until they were right beside me and suddenly, I felt him gently settle a blanket around my shoulders, tucking it around me.

"Thank you," I murmured, eyes still closed.

"Oh! You're welcome," he whispered, sounding a little surprised. "I thought you were asleep."

"I almost am."

"You know, you could sleep on one of the empty beds," Namjoon suggested. "It would probably be more comfortable."

I shook my head sleepily, my left cheek brushing against the textured hospital blanket. "I'm okay. I...." I felt my cheeks get warm. "I like being next to him. I feel... less helpless."

He stayed quiet for a long time. Finally, just as I was starting to nod off, sleep getting nearer and nearer, I heard him whisper, "Thank you... for loving Jeongguk."

I stayed silent, too exhausted to process his words. Instead, I pulled my hand closer and pressed the back of Jeongguk's hand against my cheek. "Goodnight," I mumbled finally.


~ — ~

I woke up to Namjoon gently shaking me awake.

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