Chapter 48

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Jane May

    Jeongguk only waited until the third song to ask me to dance.

    "Hey, Jane, wanna dance?" he'd asked, winking at me. "For old times' sake?"

    I'd glanced at Matthew sheepishly, not exactly asking permission, more just checking to see his reaction. He'd frowned, but hadn't said anything when Jeongguk grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the dance floor.

    Which is where we were now, jumping around like dorks, laughing at each other's silly dance moves. It was bliss. The music was loud, so didn't have to worry about what we said, since we could barely even hear ourselves anyway. If only he could've held me the way I knew he was itching to, everything would've been perfect.

    "Since when were you such a good dancer, Jane May?" Jeongguk shouted over the music, laughing at my arm-wiggles.

    "Since you rubbed off on me," I called back, giggling at his disco moves.

    He smirked, pulling me closer. "There are other things I could rub off on you... if you're interested."

    I snorted, pushing him away. "Don't be a perv!"

    "If I act like a perv, will it persuade you to break up with Matthew sooner?" Jeongguk's eyes traveled up and down my body, his teeth catching on his lower lip.

    I felt my face heat up and looked away. Jeongguk... why are you always like this?

    "Please, don't... look at me like that," I mumbled.

    He frowned, eyes softening. "Sorry, Baby." He pulled my against his chest, his lips brushing the top of my head. "But really, can you blame me? I want to hold you so bad."

    I blushed, quieting the longing in my heart. "It's fine," I sighed, squirming reluctantly out of his arms. "I should probably go back.... I don't want Matthew to... suspect anything and cause a scene."

    Jeongguk pouted. "This isn't fair," he grumbled. "I've finally got you back, but I can't do anything I want about it."

    Biting the edge of my lip, I glanced at my bare feet (having abandoned my heels ages ago). "I— I'm sorry. I promise... you'll be able to do whatever you want soon enough."

    "You're sure you mean that, Princess?" His low voice yanked my eyes back to his face, one eyebrow raised, his amused smile gradually deteriorating into a smirk.

    "Jeongguk!" I hit his chest, biting back a wince and the urge to shake out my fist. "Get your mind out of the gutter!"

    He burst into innocent bunny giggles, poking my cheek. "Aish, you're so cute when you're mad."

    I scowled. "You're such a butthead."

    He laughed harder. "S—sorry," he managed through wheezes.

    Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms.

    Jeongguk, why do I love everything about us, even our stupid arguments?

    I sighed. "Anyway, I'm gonna go. I should go back before Matthew gets too suspicious."

    Jeongguk was still dying, looking like he might fall over at any moment. "Okay, love you," he choked out.

    Turning around, I walked into a human wall and reeled back, a familiar scent lingering in my nose as an equally familiar face frowned down at me.

    "M—Matthew?" I stammered, my cheeks preemptively flushing with embarrassment and guilt.

    No. How much did he hear? It... it wasn't supposed to be like this....

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