Chapter 49

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    She's mine. All fucking mine.

    Her hand in mine had never felt so perfect.

    As we walked down the dark hallway, I was torn between the intense desire to kiss her senseless and the anticipation of showing up at the party and telling everyone that we were back together. But first things first.

    I came to a halt, extracting my hand from Jane's, loosening my tie, watching with amusement as she watched me in confusion.

    "Um, J—Jeongguk, this isn't the place...," she stuttered, flushing red as I started unbuttoning my shirt, her eyes looking sharply down at her toes.

    Laughing softly, I reached up, unclasping the chain around my neck. "You always assume the worst," I scolded her, taking her left hand in mine. I tucked the useless chain into my pocket and slid the ring I'd been holding onto for the last two years onto her finger.

    Her eyes went wide, glancing back and forth between me and her finger, her mouth open in the cutest little "o." She was in a state of shock and it seemed like she wasn't going to snap out of it, so I took the opportunity to lean down and kiss her, cupping her face up towards mine. She tasted like chocolate cake and champagne, her lips perfectly molded like they had been destined to fit with mine.

    I pulled away, pressing my forehead against hers, watching as she smiled shyly at me.

    "I've been waiting two fucking years to do that," I whispered, brushing my thumb over the freckles dusted across her cheekbone.

    She giggled. "You kissed me earlier."

    I rolled my eyes. "That doesn't count. You barely even kissed me back." And that wasn't what I meant, silly Jane.

    Her lips twitched. "Well, yeah, that's because I had a fiancé."

    Letting go of her face, I took her hand again, admiring my ring on her finger as we started walking again. "And you still have one now."

    She raised her eyebrows, glancing at our hands. "But you didn't even propose properly. And I never said yes."

    I glared at her. "If I already know the answer, do I need to ask?"

    Her cheeks went pink. "You didn't ask my dad for permission either."

    Crap. "Don't ruin my happy place."

    She giggled, hugging my arm. "I missed you so much, Jeongguk."

    I resisted the urge to pin her against the wall and kept walking, trying not to grin like an idiot. Jane May, if only you knew what you did to me.

    You've saved me in more ways than you could ever imagine. Thank you for stumbling into my life.

Jane May

    It was almost three in the morning when Jeongguk finally drove me home. He hadn't drank any alcohol since dinner, so it had mostly worked itself out of his system. I wasn't too worried though; there was barely any traffic at that time anyway.

    I tried to stay awake as long as I could, watching Jeongguk drive, playing with the new ring on my finger.

    It was rose gold, with a gorgeous diamond in the center, surrounded by smaller diamonds forming the shape of a water lily. The band twisted, like intertwining vines, around my finger, two strands, crossing and separating, like the strings of fate connecting Jeongguk and me.

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