Chapter 20

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 When Jeongguk texted me the following Friday morning to tell me that he was outside, I promptly dropped everything and ran downstairs, thankfully managing not to trip over my own feet in the process. Throwing the door open, I sprung towards him, overwhelmed with excitement, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi," I gushed, my voice getting steadily squeakier as he hugged me back, crushing my body against his. I could barely breathe, but there were worse ways to possibly die, so I didn't complain.

"Hi. I missed you," he murmured into my hair.

"I missed you too," I said breathily.

Loosening his grip, he slid his hands along my back until they were on either side of my waist. I stepped back, putting a couple inches between us, and glanced at his lips, just nervous enough that I didn't dare kiss him.

He gazed at me, and then moved his right hand to give my hair a little tug. "You finally got it cut."

I nodded. "Yesterday. Do you... like it?"

"Of course."

I smiled happily. "Okay, good. I was scared you wouldn't."

"Princess," he said quietly, "I'd like you... and your hair, no matter what."

"Even if I cut it all off?" I asked, giggling.

"Yes. Even then." Grinning goofily at me, he added in a whisper, "And I like your clothes."

"Thank you," I replied, laughing as I tried to resist shivering in my pink camisole and the borrowed sweatpants that were officially mine by this point. "Are you gonna come inside? Or are we gonna stand out here all day?"

He laughed and I turned, taking his hand and dragging him into the house with me. I locked the door behind us, turning to face him once I was done. His eyes were devouring me and I couldn't help but blush as he stepped closer to me.

"I missed you." He grabbed my chin, tilting my face up towards his. "Too much."

Our lips collided and who had started it was quite unclear. Letting go of my chin, he backed me into the door, moving his hand to the back of my head. He wove his fingers into my hair and pulled it gently, making my head tilt back even more as his tongue found mine. His other hand found my waist and slid down to my thigh, finally pulling my leg up around his hips. He pressed his body closer into mine and I couldn't help the soft moan that escaped me.

Suddenly, I could hear someone outside and I quickly pushed him away, gesturing frantically for him to go. We scampered upstairs as quickly as we could, followed the whole way by the sound of the lock turning. Standing frozen on my landing, we stared at each other as my tenant came in, talking loudly to her young daughter. Jeongguk was clearly trying not to laugh, but I was not quite as amused and glanced anxiously towards the stairs, my entire face feeling like it was aflame. As she went into her apartment, he sat down on the bench and started taking off his combat boots.

When she'd finally gone inside, I mumbled, "I'm sorry about that."

He stood up. "It's okay, Princess," he replied, touching my cheek. "We can... continue... when we get to your room."

I bit the edge of my lip. "Can we just... hang out for a bit? Not that I don't like kissing you, but... it's starting to feel like that's all we do and... it feels a bit backwards, I guess."

He smiled, laughing slightly, and nodded.

We went into the apartment. As we walked over to my room, my mom looked up from the computer and waved at him. "Hi!" she called. "Please don't cover my daughter with hickeys again."

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