Chapter 39

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Sometimes I wish that things were different. That I'd never become famous, that life had never gotten this complicated, that I could just love the people I loved without being judged for it or pressured. Or maybe just that the girl I loved wasn't so stubborn. That definitely would've saved me a ton of grief.

    The days sped by way too fast. It sucked though, because we were so busy, so we could only see them at long intervals, and when we could see them, the day went by in mere seconds. It was a bittersweet irony: the more time I spent with her, the quicker it seemed to slip away. Thus, in the last week they were here, I spent every waking moment with her (and some sleeping moments as well when one of us ended up passing out on the other's bed). And as could be expected, time went berserk and it was like trying to hold water in your bare hands: it ran out.

    It was the day before they had to leave.

    I'd woken up at 6 (ridiculous, I know) so that I could spend as much time as possible with her. It was still dark outside as I got dressed and found a blanket to bring with me. By the time I reached Seokjin's apartment, it was still only 6:30.

    Jane May came out, her hair in two messy braids, her hands tucked into the pocket of her big marshmallow of a coat. A pair of my baggy sweatpants were stuffed into her grey winter boots, though it wasn't winter just yet.

    "Hey," she said softly, glancing up at me from her boots. "So what are we doing exactly?

    I grinned. "Just wait. It's a surprise."

    She smiled slightly. "Okay. Then lead the way, I guess."

    "Close your eyes first," I told her, watching as she sighed and shut them. "Good girl."

    Taking her hand, I led us to the elevator bank, watching her carefully to make sure her eyes stayed closed. We got in the elevator and I pressed the button we needed, taking the time to smush Jane and her marshmallow coat against my chest.

    "Jeongguk... I'm already sweltering in this coat. Your body heat isn't helping," she complained, squirming in my arms.

    "Too bad," I whispered, pressing my lips to her temple. "You can't escape me."

    She laughed softly. "If you say so."

    We'd reached our floor, so I released her, putting my hand on her waist so I could guide her to our destination. I was so unbelievably excited and it was only the necessity of my remaining silent that was keeping me from bursting with anticipation. I led her the couple steps to the door and then opened it, hearing her gasp of surprise as a wave of cold air hit her.

    "Jeongguk, where are we going exactly?" she asked quietly.

    "You'll see."

    I pushed her forward and slowly we shuffled across the roof until we reached a decent spot.

    "Don't move," I told her. She nodded, her eyes still closed, and I spread out the blanket on tar roof. "Okay, you can look now."

    She opened her eyes and looked around, taking in the expanse of roof, the purple sky above us, and the blanket I'd spread on the ground. After a moment she broke into a lopsided grin.

    "This is perfect," she whispered, her eyes darting back to the east where the sun was just beginning to rise.

    We sat down on the blanket and watched the sun rise together, her body curled up against mine. I couldn't help but wish I'd been smart enough to bring a sleeping bag. We could've shared it. And I could've gotten to be that much closer to her and the virginity that I dreamed of taking every night. God, I was dumb sometimes.

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