Chapter 28

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Jeongguk's POV // A/N: Anything said/read in English will be in italics. 

(Unless stated otherwise, all future chapters will be from his POV)

It was three weeks since we went home. We had to leave while there were still flights to Seoul. It was nice to be home again, but it kinda sucked too. For several reasons.

Reason one: My phone buzzed with a text. After reaching for my glasses, I picked it up, grinning as I saw who it was.

"Are you awake yet?" Jane May had sent.

I opened up Messages and started to respond. "No."

"You shouldn't sleep so late. It'll screw up your sleep cycle," she informed me.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, Mom. But it's not like I have anything to do anyway." Sighing, I pushed myself into an upright position. She was probably right. No, knowing her, she was definitely right.

Reason two: I threw off my blanket and swung my legs off the bed, grabbing my crutches from the space between my bed and nightstand. After tucking my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants, I stood up, putting as much weight as I could on my arms. I hobbled out into the hall and headed for the kitchen to see if Seokjin had left me any food.

Balancing as best as I could, I reached out and opened the fridge. I scanned through the contents until my eyes landed on a bowl with a sticky note reading "Gukie" stuck to its side. Thank you, Hyung.

I rearranged my crutches so they were both on my left side and took the bowl with my right hand, shutting the fridge with the side of the bowl. After hopping my way over to the couch, I set my food down and threw myself down, leaning the stupid crutches against the cushions. Honestly, at this point, I wasn't even sure why I needed them, but my hyungs had nearly killed me when they caught me walking around without them, so I wasn't going to risk their wrath again.

I picked up my bowl and removed the plastic wrap, thankful Seokjin had thought to leave chopsticks already in it. As I started eating my cold noodles, a note taped to the TV got my attention.

Reason three: "We're going out to the studio to practice. Should be home by 16:00. It would be good if you tried to be a little more productive today. Maybe you could go live? ARMYs keep asking about you and as much as we reassure them, they're still very worried about you. You don't have to, but if you could just tell them how you're doing, I'm sure they would appreciate it.

— Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung"

I sighed, looking away from the note. It had been ages since I went live.... I know I'd promised that I would soon, but that was ages ago and... before everything had happened.

My phone buzzed and I shifted, pulling it out of my pocket.

"Do you want to talk on the phone? It seems like something's bothering you...," Jane May had finally sent.

I smiled. "My hyungs want me to go live...."

"Oh! You should do that then... unless that's what's bothering you?"

"No... I don't know." I pursed my lips. "If I went live now, would you be able to watch?"

"Um, yes. Obviously. Duh."

Okay, I thought, some of the tension in my chest starting to ebb. This isn't so bad. At least she'll be watching and supporting me.

"Ok, I guess you'll see me in a few mins then." I tucked my phone away and arranged my bowl and crutches before standing up and making my way back to my room. After putting my food down on my desk, I gave up on my crutches and leaned them against the wall before turning toward my bed to make it somewhat more presentable. When I was satisfied, I pulled on a clean-ish sweatshirt over the plain t-shirt I'd been wearing for... well, more than the past two days.

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