Chapter 46

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Jane May

    Jeongguk was staring daggers at me from where he sat across the table. Every time I risked a glance in his direction, his piercing gaze cut me like a knife. He was on his third cup of wine and while they were relatively small cups, they were clearly starting to get to him.

    His outburst from earlier was playing on a loop in my mind, making it very hard to focus on the conversation. Part of me, a large part, was scared to death that he was going to start yelling at me again or do something equally awful.

    Either way, Jeongguk was clearly deteriorating. He was slumped over the table slightly, leaning his chin on his fist. All while glaring at me, of course.

    God, he looked good though.

    I tore my eyes away from him, involuntarily feeling my face heat up at my disloyal thoughts.

    Oh gosh, what the heck is wrong with me? I really need a break from this man.

    "I'll be right back," I whispered to Sofia, who was sitting next to me. "Just gotta go use the bathroom."

    "Oh, yeah, okay. I'll fill you in when you get back."


    I got up and quickly wove my way through the tables of wedding guests, trying to keep myself from walking too fast. Finally leaving the room, I went out into the hallway, pausing for a second to catch my breath. Well, maybe not catch my breath, more just let my heart rate slow.

    Sighing, I set off down the hall, following the sign I'd set up earlier, which was pointing the way to the restrooms. I let my hand trail along the wall, running across the chair rail molding on the wall. Pretty pink ribbons had been hung from it earlier, and as I walked, my fingers skimmed across the bunches of soft silk where it had been secured to the wood. I smiled softly, tension releasing from my body as I let myself become absorbed by the mindless activity.

    Sooner than I'd realized, I wound up at the end of the hall and just avoided running into the wall. I pulled myself back just in time and backtracked to the entrance to the women's restroom.

    It smelled of rose water and was decorated by pale pink roses. They were pinned in bunches around the mirror, giving the space a mystical, fairy-like atmosphere.

    I leaned towards the mirror, inspecting my face. It looked a little paler than usual, with the makeup hiding my freckles. Sighing, I shook my head at myself.

    Is this the face of a cheater?

    I bit my lip, frowning.

    Is it still even cheating if I never act on it?

    But... what if that's worse? To be... unable to be completely honest and open with Matthew because... because no matter how much I lie to myself, there's still another in my heart.

    I swallowed.

    To be scared to fall asleep next to him because of the fear that I might say... someone else's name in my sleep.

    A blush burned my cheeks as last night's dream came to mind.

    Oh, Jeongguk, why did you have to show up and remind me of how much I miss you?

    With a huff I turned toward the stalls and quickly used the bathroom, realizing that I'd probably spent too much time in here already. I didn't want to miss the speeches, especially considering that I was supposed to sing something. Washing my hands quickly, I resisted the urge to splash some water on my face, my stomach doing loop-de-loops at the anticipation of singing in front of everyone. Oh, freaking heck, why did I ever agree to that?

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