Chapter 47

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    I waited a couple minutes in the hall, my head still reeling.

    She's mine. All mine.

    My body was vibrating with a strange, ecstatic energy, every part of me hyped up, ready, alert, anxiously awaiting when I'd be able to see her again. No... not just see her... but when I'd be able to hold her... kiss her... see her smile and know that I was the source of it.

    I smiled to myself, leaning against the wall. To make her happy. What a gift that would be.

    Sighing, I checked my watch. It had only been a minute or two.

    I reached up, resisting the urge to loosen my tie and unbutton my shirt, and fiddled with Jane's ring though the thin fabric. The simple thought of seeing it on her finger filled me with excitement.

    To marry her. To fall asleep beside her every night and to wake up to her messy hair each morning. To walk through life never letting go of her hand. To watch our kids run around and grow up.

    I sighed. What a beautiful picture.

    My cheeks burned as the fact that I was going to make children with her registered in my brain. That I'd get to really, truly make her mine. Make her beg me—


    Okay, Jeonnguk, time to go back.

    I pushed myself away from the wall and headed back — keeping my thoughts as pure as I could — both eager and dreading the reality of sitting across from her. From her and Matthew to be specific. I smirked. Poor Matthew. He never stood a chance.

    Rounding the corner, I made my way into the room, weaving through tables, heading back to the front of the room where I'd came from. It seemed like I hadn't missed much, just a speech or two at most, since Seokjin was standing, cracking joke after joke to the laughing crowd.

    I went over to my seat, ignoring the smirk Jimin threw my way. Jane was sitting across from me, staring at her food, her cheeks a strong pink. My eyes darted towards her not-really-fiancé. His jaw was clenched and as I sat down, he studied me, waves of suspicious anger rolling off him in droves.

    What exactly did I miss?

    I sat there, boiling in a pot of confusion and discomfort, unable to gauge the situation. As much as I tried to ignore it and just laugh at Seokjin's jokes like an innocent man would, I couldn't help feeling like I was in trouble without even knowing what it was I'd done wrong — other than finally persuading Jane to choose me, but hey, all's fair in love and war.

    Seokjin ran out of jokes eventually and sat down, passing the mic to Jane, who took it, her hand shaking slightly.

    She stood up.

    "Thanks, Seokjin," she said softly, before starting to speak into the microphone. "Hi everyone.... Um, I hope you're having fun and enjoying the delicious food. Uh, anyway, I'm Jane and, well, I kinda got dared into doing this...." She laughed. "Anyway, congratulations, Prudence and Namjoon. I'm so blessed to get to share this day with you."

    She glanced over at Yoongi-hyung, who had gone over to the piano in the corner while she was talking.

    "I hope you enjoy my song. Yoongi helped me with the notes and stuff."

    Jane nodded gently at Yoongi and he turned toward the keys, drawing out a soft, playful melody, supported by steady, reliable chords. She closed her eyes, swaying softly to the rhythm, waiting. Then the music hit a crescendo and she opened her eyes, smiling softly at the floor as she started singing:

Every minute
Goes by too fast
I'm counting the seconds
Let's make these moments last

Call me on the phone
Wish we were together and alone
Hoping I'll see your face everyday
But you're just way too far away

You light me up like a spark in the dark
Like a thief in the night you've stolen my heart
And even though we're always miles apart
When I'm with you I think I'm ready to start
Falling in love

Talk about busy
You tell me that you miss me
But there's not enough time
For me to make you mine

Talk about lonely
Baby I wish you'd hold me
But we're oceans apart and
You're too far away to hold my hand

You light me up like a spark in the dark
Like a thief in the night you've stolen my heart
And even though we're always miles apart
When I'm with you I think I'm ready to start
Falling in love

You know where I stand
I'll wait for you, just take my hand
You make me strong, stay by my side
With you, there's no reason to hide
Let me be your home like you are mine

You light me up like a spark in the dark
Like a thief in the night you've stolen my heart
And even though we're always miles apart
When I'm with you I think I'm ready to start
Falling in love

    Everyone started clapping and she blushed furiously, a sheepish smile on her face. "Thank you," she mumbled, pulling her chair back out so she could sit down. Yoongi-hyung came back over to the table and patted her on her shoulder, smiling at her. She thanked him softly, handing him the microphone and collapsed in her seat, burying her face in her hands.

    Her sorta fiancé smiled at her, looking slightly confused, but reached out, tucking a stray piece of her hair being her ear. I bristled, wishing I could get up and sock him in his stupid face. Tell him to get his filthy hands off my woman. In my mind, my fist connected with his straight nose, an audible crack filling the air, blood spurting across the floor.

    Jane shrugged away from him, making his hand, which had settled on her bare shoulder, fall down. A smug feeling of satisfaction filled me. Fuck, yeah, Mr. Matthew, Jane's not your girl and she never was.

    She glanced up at me, holding my gaze for a few seconds, before looking away, her face redder than it was before.

    I held back a smirk. That song of yours was about me, wasn't it, sweet Jane? I bit the inside of my lip. Fuck, is it even possible to love someone this much?

    I sighed. Jane May, please do me a favor and hurry up and break your engagement off so I will be free to properly show my love for you.

    I don't think I can wait much longer.

A//n: Gahhhhhh

Happy Hobi Day!!!!!!! Dear Hoseok, thank you for existing and lighting up the world everyday with your beautiful smile. You are such a talented dancer, rapper, and singer and I'm so happy to be able to listen to you and watch you. Thank you for creating such catchy, meaningful music and inspiring me to dance and write songs as well. If I could be just a tiny bit as talented as you are in those areas, that would be so cool hahha.

I hope you have (and have been having) an incredible day and just thank you again for bringing so much goodness into my life.

Ah. Well, I guess that's it. I hope everyone reading this enjoyed this chapter :) It's pretty amusing to see Jungkook struggling so much huh? I know it is for me anyway hahaha... Not in real life of course, but it's just amusing to imagine lol... Jane too

Wow, I really like torturing my characters, huh?

Oh, well... at least it makes for a decent story (hopefully hahahhaha...).

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, commenting, voting, etc. It means so much and it's just wonderful to know that people are actually noticing this hahahah.

That's all for now!! See you next Monday :)

~xoxo Jewelea

Oh!! And for anyone celebrating Lent, I wish you a happy and blessed lenten season :)

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