(Chapter 2) Requited, huh?

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          Bokuto looked up with sincere eyes (gosh cutie pie, could u not?!).
Akaashi's grin slowly disappeared.

"Akaashi. You don't need to be a girl to be..." His voice trailed off.

       Akaashi was pretty sure the last word wasn't gonna be what he wished it was:

        The coach called to both of them, telling them to stop goofing off. Akaashi flinched at that comment, him never have been goofing off like Bokuto.

         Akaashi walked back and the ace followed behind like a baby owl (it's supposed to be a chick but we all know what he is)

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         Akaashi walked back and the ace followed behind like a baby owl (it's supposed to be a chick but we all know what he is).

          Konoha slammed down the ball onto the other side of the court. Just when the ball was about to hit the floor, Komi skillfully returned it.
           Bokuto grinned at that.

Come at me.

          Meanwhile the ball didn't go where Komi wanted it to. It flew straight to the other side and into Akaashi hands.

"Suma..!" (Sorry..!) Komi yelled. "Chance ball..!" Omaha announced.

          Akaashi knew where the ace was. He wasn't in his peripherals, but he knew. As already mentioned, he could feel his presence. But right now, everyone can. The amount of aura he tends to release in a match is astounding.

He's completely drowned in volleyball...nothing wavers his goal. I must just shut up, stop dreaming, and do my job - Toss to him. Don't screw that up.

          The setter's hands pushed the ball into the air, and it reached Bokuto, who ran into the scene, eyes gleaming in interest and passion. He slammed the ball down, and in the blink of an eye, scored.

         Akaashi gave a winning smile, as Bokuto stared at him, hoping for acknowledgement.

         His smile..
        Bokuto's mouth unconsciously copied that smile. They walked upto each other and did a low-five. Coach blew the whistle and all of them walked to the sides, drinking water, wiping their sweaty heads, drooping their shoulders and stuff.
         Akaashi sat on the floor, in front of an empty bench. He liked to be left alone. Yeah, yeah, but he did like another thing too...

         Bokuto comes and sits on the bench behind him. {Speaking of the devil ;) }

           Akaashi wipes his brow, and Bokuto, well.. watches. The second year kid wanted to ask what the last word was. He was so curious, he could die. (Don't die, Keiji..!)

           But apparently, he didn't have to. Because Bokuto then piped up, "You don't need a girl to be..." He may look dumb, but he could feel Akaashi stiffen up. Bokuto paused mid-sentence.



"..to be?"

"..to be MY OWN OWL Akaashi..!"


            Akaashi turned back and gave him the ಠ_ಠ look. Bokuto looked away and blushed. Seeing the older one's expression, Akaashi thought he had more to say.

"...Care to elaborate?"




             Yikes.. impatient Akaashi is scary...

"..b- be mine, Akaashi."

"Bokuto San, w- what're you saying??"


            Akaashi can't take this. This is goddamn surreal. Bokuto always says stupid (cute*) stuff like "Akaaaaashi, I love you..!" and "Akaaaaashi, marry me..!".

           But this was different. This was heartfelt. This was sincere. This was so over-used, but Akaashi, for the life of him, couldn't figure out why he loved it so much till today"

     {A/N: ..Today? So what's today? Please wait for the next update to know... Until then, bah-bye, i'mma get some shut-eye (PS: That rhymed). Okay for reals now. Bye.)

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