(Chapter 10) Cuppy Cake

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"Agaashhsnjjjiiii pweaaase!!!"

"But I don't want to Bokuto-san!"

"We'll meet our Kouhais too!! Aren't you curious about how they've grown up?!"


"Akaashi what the fuck, you sound like Megane-kun."

        Bokuto sighed and looked at his phone. He read the invitation from Kuroo over and over again.

I really wanna go..

"Keiji.. c'mon, one party won't hurt. I wanna show you off to everyone!!"

"That's exactly what I don't want, Bokuto-san."

"So mean.."

        He pouted as he read the message again for the 58th time. Akaashi stared at him. As much as he wanted to make Koutarou happy, he didn't want to have go and meet people. It's going to be just Bokuto and him now; why bother?

        All of a sudden, Bokuto perked up. But then he noticed Akaashi was watching, and he went back to his emo-mode again.

That's mood swing at its best, what the heck.

        Bokuto silently slid out of his seat to go back to room with an "okay, bye.." mood. Akaashi watched him go and sighed.

Maybe I'll cheer him up with some cupcakes.

        As soon as Bokuto shut the door, he smiled widely and jumped on the bed with his phone in his hands.

Gosh I'm so big brain, he thought while typing away furiously.

Gosh I'm so big brain, he thought while typing away furiously

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        Bokuto threw the phone on his bed, and went flat ass on it

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        Bokuto threw the phone on his bed, and went flat ass on it.


        Bokuto rushed to the kitchen, his steps sounding like thunders. He came to see Akaashi with an apron and oven gloves.

 He came to see Akaashi with an apron and oven gloves

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(Random, but cute.)

         Bokuto looked at him with starry eyes. Akaashi gave a wide, nice but rare smile, that made his eyes shrink. Bokuto looked on with a dumb face.

"Bokuto-san, I made your favourite cupcakes. Please have them."

         He offered a tray full of cupcakes neatly arranged that he held in his hand. Bokuto just stood there, so he just placed the tray on the table letting him take his time.

         Bokuto hugged Akaashi.

I didn't know he liked cupcakes this much. Oh no, I don't even know if it's good or not..

         Bokuto, with a cute grin on his face, took a big bite off one. His eyes widened and he looked at his husband, who was really nervous as to what his reaction would be.

         He barely chewed as he bore the huge smile on his face.

"Aghaaashwi!! Ich cho gwood!!"

          Akaashi let out a relieved sigh, and sat down to have bite too.

"You're not mad at me now, right?"

          Bokuto looked up from the delicious cupcakes in confusion.

"Eh? For what would I be mad at you?"

"For not coming to the party..."

          He felt guilty now. He made those cupcakes to make up for not coming. His eyes fell, as his grin disappeared.


          He snapped out of his thoughts, grinned, walked upto Akaashi, and pulled his head to his chest.

"It's fine Keiji, it's not a big deal. We can stay home and party our way."

           Akaashi smiled and pecked on his cheek.

"Thank you, Koutarou."


        Bokuto finished his cupcakes as fast as he could and ran back to his room. He took his phone, and texted Kuroo that he doesn't need to come, as Akaashi won't be attending the party.



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