(Chapter 14) Hurt.

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      After about half an hour, Bokuto came out of the room to see if Akaashi's okay. And he saw the last thing he wanted to see.

      The back of a pretty girl's head covered Akaashi's face. Her hands were on the sides of his face. One of his eyes was visible, and it was screwed shut.

      His cheeks defined a playful smile. Two other girls had their hands loosely on his hips and torso. They had beautiful smiles on their faces.

It hurts..

           ..my Akaashi.. why is he in the arms of someone else?

     It pricked his heart. He felt like someone punched him in the stomach. He felt dizzy. He wanted to just fall there, unconscious.

"Keiji.." he weakly called to his husband.

     He turned to see Bokuto staring at him, eyes widened.

"Bokuto-san, I'm tired.. can we go home?"

     The girls looked on with confusion.

     Bokuto just gritted his teeth to that, and stormed out of the house slamming the door shut.

"Bokuto-san! Where are you going?"

     Kuroo came to the scene to see what happened, and the girls told him that Bokuto just left angrily.

     He wasn't angry. He was hurt.


     Bokuto drove through the streets, frustrated, not knowing what to do.
He went back to their apartment, but everything there was so...

                       .. Akaashi Keiji.

      It made him feel worse. He couldn't stay in the place he felt like home for years. He sat there uncomfortably for a few minutes, holding his head.

      Then he stood up, and went out, took his car, and drove to his parents'.

      He didn't tell them what happened. He visited often, so they didn't mind it either. It was nice to be there.


      Kuroo kept trying to call Bokuto as Akaashi almost puked his intestines out. By that time, the girls were so turned off and bored, that they left the party.

      Akaashi passed out on the couch, sleeping peacefully, while Bokuto was internally dying. He knew his Keiji wouldn't do something like that, and it was just because he was so wasted and couldn't think right. He knew, but it still hurt.

      The sight of the girls fawning over Akaashi still flashed in his mind. He slumped down on the bed, in his room. He eventually lied down, limbs spread, covering the whole bed, making it look small.

      He didn't even know how to feel about it, or express his state.

      But of course, after a few days he'll go back to Akaashi. A week will do, maybe.

~~time skip to next day~~

      Akaashi woke up on his bed. His head was pounding, and all he can remember from yesterday was Bokuto leaving, and shortly before and after that.

 His head was pounding, and all he can remember from yesterday was Bokuto leaving, and shortly before and after that

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      He missed him already.

Why was Bokuto San leaving?

      He knew he passed out, so he assumed Kuroo and Kenma would have dropped him back home.

"Bokuto-san!" He called out, waiting for his husband to come and give him his morning kiss.

      No response.

      He got out of the bed, and tried standing up, but sat right back down. His head was killing him.


      He held his head and managed to walk to the hall.

      Bokuto wasn't there.

      He called him but no response. He called again, a few more times, but no luck. He called Kuroo, worried now.

      Kuroo told him that he wouldn't have gone anywhere, and that he tried calling him. "He'll be back before you know it.", He said.

      But Akaashi wouldn't stop worrying. He called him again. Texted him. Called him once more, waited, and then texted him. Called him 5 more times, and then waited. Then he left a voice message. And then called him 4 more times, left another voice message, and 2 texts.

     He had no clue what was happening.

     He then called Kenma.

"What is it Keiji?"

"Do you know where Bokuto-san is?"

"Dunno. But he got mad at you for flirting with those girls and stormed out."

"Girls who?"

"I dunno man! You're supposed to know! There were three girls going all 'cutie pie' over you. Remember?"

"No, but I'll try to. Sorry for disturbing. Bye."

"Keiji hold on."

       He put the phone back to his ear, expecting a threat like "if you call me again, I'll come over and smack you on the head." Or something.

"Don't worry. He loves you. Can't stay away that long. He'll bounce back."

       He smiled sadly.

"Okay Kenma. Thanks, bye."

       He waited for Kenma to hang up. Then, he just sat there, took some pills for his headache, and went back to bed.

      Bokuto couldn't eat. He was so worried about how his Keiji is doing, but he wouldn't call him back.

Stupid Akaashi.

     Akaashi groaned at the increasing pain in his head.

Stupid Bokuto-san.

    Both of them wanted to see each other, see if they're okay, be in their arms for the rest of the day, but couldn't.

Why did I fall in love with him, again?


(A/N: Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I go' dumped\(°o°)/. No, don't feel bad for me. Next update will be soon. Until then, bye bye!!)

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