(Chapter 9) Needy

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(A/N: Sorry I didn't update yesterday; I was sick ): )

"Tissu- ACHOO!"

"Oh.. Keiji, baby..."

         Bokuto handed him a tissue, looking at him, worried.

Akaashi has got a cold.

"Shit.. what do I do Akaashi? I don't know how to make you feel better.. I barely catch a cold.."

"It's been years since I got one. Maybe a wet kerchief will do, I guess?"
         Bokuto immediately grabs a kerchief from his cupboard, scurried to the restroom, ran cold water over it, squeezed it to the maximum level, and folded it neatly.

         He came back to the bed to see Akaashi down on the floor, on fours.

Bokuto put the kerchief on the bed and lifted the poor kid, and put him on the bed. Akaashi attempted to hit him on his rock hard arms.

"What is it, Keiji?"

         He kissed his head.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I can't walk.."

"Ehhhhhh?!! So it's not just a cold??"

"No, you baka! It's because of you!! My hips are killing me.."

         Bokuto felt guilt rush over him. He really didn't want to hurt Keiji.. but...

"How does that explain the cold?"

"It doesn't."

"Waaahhh.. I've got no clue about anything, whatsoever..!"

"That's cuz you're dumb, Bokuto-san."

"Well, then, tell me what to do, smartass."


"We're devoid of smart people."

          Bokuto Googled it, but obviously, it was of no use..

"Akaaaashi you have FRICKIN' CANCER?!??"

"No Bokuto-san. I don't."

"Oh.. Thank God."
           Bokuto thought hard, eyebrows creased. He occasionally checked his dear husband's temperature with the back of his hand and kissed his forehead.

"That's it. I'm calling Megane-kun."

"Tsukishima?!!? Now why would you do that???!"

"Because he's 34 times smarter than me."

"I can't argue, but Bokuto-san, he's gonna diss you for sure."

"Look at me Akaashi, look into my eyes."

            Akaashi obliged, bracing himself for some disgustingly cheesy, yet beautiful thought coming out loud.

"Now, do I look like I care?"


"That's what I thought."

           Ring, ring.

* Voice over phone*
"Bokuto-san, I didn't like to think you'd actually call.

"Tsukki, I need your brains."

"It's Tsukishima, and yes, you clearly do."

          Akaashi could hear the conversation as Kei's voice was leaking. He chuckled.

Pfft..This is enough to cure me..

"Ano.. Megane-kun, Akaashi is not well.. he's sneezing and coughing and stuff. I really don't like it."

"Bokuto-san, he has a fever."




"He needs rest and sheets and some soup and he'll be good. That's it."

"That's it?"

"Kei, come back~"  "Tadashi, urusai (shut up)." "Aww..*pout*"

"Oya oya?"

            Akaashi couldn't stop laughing by now.

"Eh? Akaashi-san is listening? *Blush* Oh shit no, he has brains.."

            Akaashi laughed louder. Honestly, it sounded too sweet to tell him to stop. Bokuto thanked Tsukishima and cut the call. He turned to his still giggling husband. He was too cute.

           But then he started coughing. Bokuto's smile immediately disappeared and a frown took its place.

"I sure hope Google tells me how to make soup."

           Bokuto got up from the bed to go to the kitchen. But a hand weakly held him back. Akaashi wasn't laughing anymore.

"Bokuto-san, don't leave."

"But Keiji, I'm just gonna get some soup for you."

"Noo.. I don't want soup..! Don't go.."

           Akaashi pouted as he whined. The ace melted at the sight. He wanted to stay with him as much, but he wanted his normal, cool Akaashi to come back too.

"Okay, 5 minutes.

"..until I go to sleep..?"



          Lucky for him, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep. Bokuto smiled, brushing the hair out of his forehead up, just for it to bounce back in place.

Akaashi's so clingy when he's sick..

          He took the wet kerchief and put it on his setter, pressing on it a few times. He reluctantly walked to the kitchen.


          After two broken bowls and a small fire, Bokuto walked too the room, with a bowl filled with very hot soup in his hands.

          He saw Akaashi, lying on his side, sleeping peacefully. The kerchief had fallen off. Bokuto chuckled and set the bowl aside, sitting beside him. He took the kerchief and noticed that it was really warm on one side.

"Damn, Keiji you're so hot!" He whisper - shouted with worry.

"I know."


           Akaashi shifted in his sleep. He was mumbling in his sleep, thinking Bokuto's voice was part of his dream. Bokuto laughed, waking the setter up in the process.

           Bokuto offered the soup.

"What the hell..? It's actually good?"

           The silly owl smiled brightly, but he soon pouted.

"... A-Akaashi.."

"Did you burn the kitchen down?"

"I might have broken a few bowls.." he said, scratching the back of his neck.
           Akaashi sighed, and then smiled. Then he got back to drinking his soup.

"It's really good, thank you." Akaashi smiled, cheering his love up.


" *Cough, cough* "

"I told you not to kiss me..!"

"No, you didn't!"




             The couple bickered along to Akaashi feeding his husband some soup off a very used bowl.


(A/N: No, Keiji didn't get the virus, neither did I, and Bokuto's gonna be fine. And no, I didn't get inspired from me getting sick. Cya tmrw. Luv uu<3)

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