(Chapter 29) Epilogue :,)

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"Hana Chan!! Please don't run, you'll fall down!"

"DadA NOO-"

    Bokuto sighed, tired of running around their own house, chasing his daughter around.

    Akaashi chuckled and walked into the little girl's path, tackling her skillfully and lifting her up. He lovingly pecked on her plump cheek, while her big eyes looked at Bokuto in horror as he neared.

"Jeez.. why are you so against wearing pants..?"

    Bokuto glared at Hanamiko mockingly as he pulled the tiny shorts up her legs.

"You're one to talk, Kou."

    Bokuto whined at Akaashi who responded by pressing his lips on his husband's. Hanamiko whipped her head away from the sight and formed a pout, blowing from inside.


"That's not very nice of you, Hana Chan." Akaashi said factually as he held her with one hand and booped her nose with the other.


    The couple enjoyed their time alone for a whole year, after Akaashi graduated. Then they had to go looking for a job to keep themselves steady. For the following two years, they were employed.

    After they were in a good financial state, and were mentally prepared, they adopted Hanamiko, who was now their dear daughter.

    To take care of the 18 month old kid, Akaashi resigned his job and decided to stay home.

    Of course, Bokuto insisted that he stays, wanting to ease Akaashi's work up a bit, but the pretty owl dreaded coming home to find chaos. Bokuto and his daughter given a huge house to destroy is not a good thing.

"Kou, you're getting late."

    Oh, and Akaashi also changed Bokuto's hairstyle, only for going to office. His hair was now slicked down, and slightly parted at the side. Obviously, after all these years, his hair won't go down without a fight, so a few short strands pop up a little.

    Akaashi never admits to the fact that he looked really good in it, but the rose tint on his cheeks always give him away.

    Bokuto is not as childish as before; after Hanamiko, the sense of responsibility kicked in naturally. But he still does have a few things to learn, as Akaashi puts it.

    The Owl Boy kissed his husband's forehead, then gently lifted his daughter's face and pressed his lips on the bridge of her nose, careful not to hurt her.

    He waved goodbye as he left for work. Akaashi looked back to his daughter and snuggled his head into her tiny body. She grabbed on to his black locks, and patted his head, as if she knows.

    As if she understands how much she means to her dad. Keiji lifted his head and looked up at her, with a smile on his face.


   She hit his shoulder, implying that she's hungry.

"Hai, hai.."

   He fed her some stuff that looked quite gross, but she seemed to like it - and it smelt good.



   Bokuto had noticed that his dear love smiles more, after Hanamiko entered their lives, which made him incredibly happy.

   Just when he thought his life couldn't get better, his daughter came and proved him wrong.

   He goes to work everyday, longing to come back the minute he steps out of the door.

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