(Chapter 23) Owl Boy

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    Akaashi slightly tapped the pen on his lips. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. But it lasted only for a few minutes.

    He would focus on the book in front of him for 2 minutes, and then his mind would wander off to the events that were to unfold later today, and then back at the book again.

    After a while, he gave up on thinking, and was texting a friend from college.

'Ding dong'

    He was glad that Bokuto left the house for a while - it was better to recieve the package without him.

    He opened the door to a man standing there with a big cardboard box in his hands. Akaashi uttered a monotonous "thanks", and took the box from him. Just when he was about to leave, the setter called him back and tipped him generously. He thanked and bowed to Akaashi and left.

    He maintained his neutral expression until he closed the door behind him. He placed the box down carefully and then ran to the kitchen like a little kid to get a knife.

   He cut open the lid which was secured with tape. He peeked inside and was greeted by a HUGE owl plushie.

It's bigger than I imagined (・﹏・)..!

   He sat down and took it out and fell on his back due to the plushie's size.
He giggled, feeling like a young boy again.

Bokuto-san would love it.

   He played with it for a bit, and then looked at the box.

Now how do I dispose this thing?


     He walked on the pavement with the huge box in his hands. The trash was a few metres away. He tried to fit the box in the big bin, which was when he saw Bokuto's car in the distant. He wanted to make a run for it, but then he realised he'll just grab his attention.

     So he put the hood on, and his hands in his pockets. He changed his body language so that Bokuto won't be able to recognise him. He usually walks fast, so you know what to expect now.

     When he got inside, he ran upstairs, threw his hoodie off and put the owl in the draw below his cupboard that neither of them ever opens.

     He tried not to pant, and sat in his desk, and buried his face in his phone.

"Tadaima..! (I'm home)"

     Bokuto appeared at the entrance of their room. Akaashi walked up to him, and put his head on the Ace's shoulder, genuinely tired.

"Okaeri. (Welcome home)"

     Bokuto chuckled at the gesture. He grinned, his eyes taunting.

"You missed me already, huh?"

"No, not really."

"Jaa.. mata ne~ (Well then, see ya)", he mockingly said as he turned around to leave.

     He felt a tug at the hem of his shirt, pulling him back. He stood still, and felt his husband's arms wrap around him. He smiled and turned around, and Akaashi wouldn't let go. He put his face in the crook of the Ace's neck, and breathed in his scent.

     Bokuto kissed behind his ear and planted a trail of kisses to his neck, and the grip of his hands around his waist tightened as he did so.

     Akaashi lifted his head and tipped it to the side, exposing more of his neck. The ace smiled against his skin as placed his hand on his back, and pushed (pulled?) him closer.

     He then connected their lips as the kiss deepened. He pulled one of his legs off the floor, and rested it on his waist. Akaashi followed and jumped on him, wrapping his legs around him.

     They didn't part their mouths, and the kiss gained more heat. He slowly walked to the bed, and threw him on it (yEet). Akaashi clutched at the covers below him as Bokuto towered over the setter.

     He grabbed his chin and kissed him roughly, grinding over him all the while. He trailed his hands under his shirt, feeling his perfect abs and chest.

     Akaashi squirmed under his touch, and made sure the sheets under him got wrinkled well.

     He eventually threw his shirt off, and attacked his collarbone. He placed both hands on Akaashi's hips and gripped on it tightly, pulling it towards him.

     Just when they both were getting into it, Akaashi's phone rang. About 67 possibilities of who it could be hit Akaashi's brain, while Bokuto didn't have a single clue. For some reason, the setter's instincts told him that he absolutely cannot let Bokuto check his phone.

     He jolted up, pushing Bokuto back in the process as the ace mourned his loss in silence. He hurried to the table, picking up his phone.


"Woah, where's my honorific? And why are you panting? You okay?"

     Akaashi blushed at that.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What is it?"

"Okay, see the video I sent you."

".. that's it?!"


"Fine, but later."

     He said his 'byes' and ended the call. Fortunately for him, Bokuto didn't care who it was at the moment. He sat there in his boxers, waiting for Akaashi to come back.

     He walked back to him and kissed him, straddling himself onto his lap.


(A/N: Don't ask. The gud shit will come in the next chap. No, I'm not talkin' abt smut, don't get ur hopes too high. K bye.)

(Edit: Okay, shit .. I forgot to check for mistakes after writing, sorry. I changed them now, so don't worry)

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