(Chapter 18) Pretty Setter

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     Akaashi woke up to the smell of strong tea. He sat up, trying to open his eyes. He blinked at Bokuto, who sat beside him, wearing a smile, and holding a tray with breakfast and tea.

     Akaashi tried to ask what he was doing, but his lips were stuck together, and so he just lazily smiled at his husband. Bokuto's eyes sparkled at that.

"Akaashi, you've grown thin. Eat loads, I'll bring seconds. We'll go see the doctor to check if you're okay."


     Akaashi was still trying to adjust his pupils to the light, and finally managed to open his mouth.

"Bokuto-san, I need to brush.."

"Oh, but you don't, Keiji! It's breakfast in bed!"

     He smiled brightly. Akaashi looked at him and sighed.

How I missed you..

    As if he read his mind, Bokuto set the tray down and hugged Akaashi tightly.

"You have no idea how much I missed you, Keiji."

"I guess I kinda do."

    They both chuckled. Akaashi broke the hug.

"My breath stinks. I'll go brush my teeth"

"But Akaaaashi, you don't have to!!"

"Urusai (shut up)."

    Akaashi smiled to himself as he made his way to the restroom. He looked at himself in the mirror.

I do look horrendous. And this is what I am without him. Or who knows? Might be worse. I might be just an immobile, cold body.

    His smile faded as the thought of losing Bokuto occupied his mind. Just when tears pricked at his eyes, he felt the warmth of his husband from behind him.

    Bokuto looked at Akaashi through the mirror as he wrapped his arms around the setter's waist. He kissed him on the tear stained cheek.

"You're so pretty." He said, looking directly at him.

   He looked back at the mirror and smiled.

"You're breakfast is getting cold, come fast."

   Akaashi's smile returned. This time, much bigger. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, and felt the urge to run the water over his now rough hair.

   Akaashi came back, drying his head with a towel. He sat down to eat his breakfast.

"Itadakimasu. (i'mma dig in)"

   He lifted the bowl and his chopsticks. Bokuto, who was sitting at his left, noticed a small band-aid on his left wrist. Akaashi was about to have his first mouth when Bokuto grabbed his wrist.

   Akaashi managed to save the bowl from falling (volleyball skillz?), and looked at Bokuto, confused.

   Bokuto looked back at the pretty owl. Akaashi glared at him mockingly.

"I could've dropped the bowl, ya know?"

"What is this?"

   He pointed to the band-aid. Akaashi avoided eye contact, and muttered that it was nothing.

"Akaashi, don't screw with me! What the fuck is this?!"

"It's nothing..!"

   Bokuto pulled his hand back, preparing to slap his husband. Akaashi braced himself for what was coming, and shut his eyes and turned away.

   When the hit didn't land on him, he slowly opened his eyes and turned to see Bokuto tearing up, with his hand in the same position. He looked down and hugged Akaashi.

"Keiji, please don't ever think of doing this baby. You don't deserve it. I'll never leave you, so don't even think about something like that. Please.."

"I'm sorry, Bokuto-san. I won't. I will never try to do it again."

   Since Akaashi knew that Bokuto will come back, he couldn't slit his vein. He placed the knife there, but couldn't do it.

   But that caused a small scratch. Small or big, Bokuto couldn't bear to see his Keiji hurt.

   He kissed him passionately, not wanting to cease. But he had to, as Akaashi needs to eat.

   Akaashi ate as Bokuto placed his head on his shoulder, watching him lovingly with a smile.


"Do we really need to go to the doctor?"

"Yes, Akaashi. We have to. It'll be fun!!"

"Since when are hospitals fun?"

"With me, you are invisible!"

"First of all, that's invincible. Second of all, that's Kageyama and Hinata's line, and you're breaking the fourth wall. Third of all, it's not related."

"Right. Sorry."

Akaashi sighed.

He really missed him.

"Fine, I'll go."

    Bokuto brightened up and got ready for going out. He liked going out, no matter where.


   Akaashi drove as Bokuto typed away in his phone.

You: I have reclaimed my property(:

Kuroo: Yeah, well it's abt time u did, u absolute pain in da ass>:(

You: Thanks, Kuroo.

Kuroo: Yeah, don't mention it. Sounds disgusting.

    Bokuto chuckled at his phone, and then looked at Akaashi, who was low-key jamming to the song on the radio.

How'd I get so lucky?

    He smiled.

( I just wanted to appreciate this piece of art

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( I just wanted to appreciate this piece of art. Thank you. )

(A/N: Was that too boring? Sorry I'm such a drag(-_-;). I continue da storee wid ur support! Luv youu<3)

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