(Chapter 21) Cat in Trouble

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(A/N: This chapter is dedicated to KuroKen cuz... Why not?:) )

Kenma's POV: (yeah, I'm doing POVs now wtf- )

"You told Kuroo?" I asked, and Owl Boy confirmed.

I'm so gonna kill that sunnava betch (son of a bitch).. where the heck is he?
I was thinking that Keiji was gonna die or smthn and called that oblivious dumbass. Now they probably think I care. Tch.. so annoying...

I get up from the couch and walk to his room. I stayed over at his place cuz he begged me to. Seems his parents won't be back home until 'morrow night. *Blush* ..shit.

I walk there to find Kuroo hiding under the bed. He's frickin' huge, what's he thinking? I squat down to get a better look at him. He's curled into a ball, his back facing me. The idiot still doesn't know I'm here.

Kuroo's POV: (send halp)

After I heard him talking on the phone, I figured it was about me not telling him. I couldn't help it!! I forgot..! I was making out with him for goddamn's sake and.. and.. his moans were so cute, almost like a kitten's... So I couldn't think of anything else.

Anyways! I ran to my room and hid under the bed. I'm wearing all black, and I switched off the lights, so I hope he wouldn't find meh.. shit he'll kill mee..

I'm looking at a water droplet on the floor next to my face. Wtf..? How did that get here?

Oh. That's my sweat. Fuck.

Nobody's POV: (yeah, no. I ain't doin' dis shit)

The blonde setter blew on the back of Kuroo's neck. He jumped at the sudden force and hit his head on the bed. He winced and turned around slowly, to see none other than Satan himself.

He started shouting and begging for his dear life.


".. shut the fuck up and come outta there."

Kuroo silently obliged, and sat in a polite way, rubbing the side of his head that he hit pretty hard.

Kenma stared at him.



"You told me you wanna explain. Explain."

"Uh.. right... Uhh.. well, kitten, yo-"

"Don't call me that."

"Uhhh.. you're mad...?"


Kuroo flinched at that. He went closer, trying to hug his way out of it. He approached slowly, testing the waters. Kenma didn't move.

He slowly wrapped his arms around his setter. Kenma still didn't move.

"I'm sorry, I forgot.."

"You're so darn lucky that I'm in a good mood today."

Kuroo brightened and pecked Kenma on his lips.

"Ugh.. gross. I dunno what shit that mouth has had contact with."

Kuroo pouted at that. He's doing it on purpose now.

"Well, nothing but shit like your mouth!"

He crossed his arms over his chest, and turned away.

"Oh? Now your asking for it."

He looked at Kenma, and felt a demonic aura radiate from him.

"I fucked up, didn't I?"


(Back to Bokuaka)


Akaashi nodded.



     Akaashi insisted that he explain about what happened at the party. And he did. Of course, the owl was surprised.

"I'm dumb."

"No, that's not the surprise.."

"Akaaaaashi!! Meanie!"

"You're the meanie."

Bokuto looked up to see his husband. Nothing new, just the same old expressionless look and monotonous voice.

"Akaashi.. say that again..?"

A small smirk formed on the Ace's lips. Akaashi just stared, clueless, until it him. He really didn't want to say it again.

"Y-You're the one who's mean."

"Noo! You said 'meanie'!!"

Akaashi looked away, a light blush dusted his cheeks.

"..did not."

"Did too!"

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Okay fine, I did. So what?"

"So say it again."


"It's really very cute Akaashi!! When you say it, I dunno, it makes me wanna hug you and kiss you and never let go!!"

"Only when I say it?"

It took a while for the bigger owl to understand. When he did, his eyes widened. He was about to protest, but then he got an idea.

He whipped his head away, and screwed his eyes shut. He crossed his hands and puffed out his cheeks.

"Yep." His own body stiffened at how wrong and absurd that sounded.

    Akaashi knew he was just joking around, and he was trying to make him say it. But the setter's smarter than that.



"You don't need to hug me and kiss me."

    Bokuto realised it backfired. You just cannot argue against Akaashi. He's Akaashi after all.

    And the day ended with Bokuto begging Akaashi to let him cuddle with him.


(A/N: Okay, a really lighthearted chapter cuz I don't think being serious all the time is good for bokuaka. I mean, they're so wholesome kill me now. Ya thot I wouldn't update today, didn't ya? Well, there. I'm boss. But I luv y'all.)

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