(Chapter 28) For you.

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     Sweat trickled down his temple as he leaped forward, putting his right foot front, and then stood his weight on the left.

     Then he jumped. He jumped, having seen the ball come right to him. He had complete trust on his setter. It wasn't just skills they had. That would form the shell of the faith.

     But what makes it full and complete, they might never know.

     Kuroo watched with a grin as the ball slammed on the other side of the court.

"I told you it was a waste to set the net up. There are only four of us."

"Three, kitten. Could you put your game down?"

"As you said, three. So I'm not."

     Kuroo sighed.

"Oi, Bokuto!! Who are you even spiking against?! Get through my block if you can."

"Oya oya? Bring it on."

     Bokuto grinned and was ready for spiking again. But Akaashi had something in mind. He looked up and gestured his husband to come closer.

"Bokuto-san, is there something bothering you?"

"..no..? Why?"

"You seem... Off.."

     Bokuto stared at the boy in confusion.

"Have you gotten old?"


"What is it then?"

     Seeing that Akaashi was being serious, Bokuto stopped whining and looked at his palm, which was trembling.

"Akaashi.. you looked scary."


"No! Like.. you looked like you wanted to kill someone when you tossed."

That's how I look when I'm concentrating hard (-_-)

"That's nothing.. I'm just outta shape."
     Bokuto grinned and placed his hand on Akaashi's shoulder.

"It's good if you know what it is."     (It's an S4 thing)

    Akaashi looked at him in wonder. He truly is a captain.

He hasn't changed a bit. These kids are missing out.

    He flashed a smile at the Ace, still awestruck.

"Oi lovebirds! We came here to play, you can do the deed after you go home!"

"Kuro, stop being a dick."



     They walked home, completely worn out. Tetsurō and Kōzume headed to their houses from the club.

"Aahh.. we should do that more often."

"We should." Akaashi replied, as a small smile played on his lips.

     They walked home in silence and satisfaction. Akaashi almost forgot what they even went out for in the first place. They came across the park again.
Akaashi took a glance of it.

    Then he stopped walking and turned around, after sensing the absence of his husband beside him.

"Bokuto-san!" He called out to the owl boy who stood there, staring at the park, which was pretty much dark by now.

"Ne.. Keiji.."

"Nandesu ka? (What is it?)"

"I remember."


"I know why you chose this park."

     Akaashi's gaze softened and he walked towards the ace and linked their fingers together.

"Once more?"                (A/N: mOu IpPon!)

    Akaashi nodded, his eyes glued to the park. They walked in again, and sat on the same old bench.

    The feeling never dies.

    Before either of them knew it, their lips met with speed.

    Their heads moved front and back, in different angles and kissed their partner

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    Their heads moved front and back, in different angles and kissed their partner. Bokuto clutched on Akaashi's hair, pulling on it slightly.

    The setter gasped at that, and the older one took the opportunity to shove his tongue in.

    Everytime they parted a little, their eyes met and revealed the affection they had for each other.

    Bokuto lost consciousness of his surroundings and slid his hand up Akaashi's shirt, making the other tremble due to the cold.

    He smoothly held his hand, stopping him and gave him a look that reminded Bokuto where they were.

"Let's go home?"


   He sounded a bit dejected, but soon lost his disappointment.


   They entered home, and Akaashi let Bokuto go in first. He threw away his jacket dramatically, which Akaashi skillfully caught and threw back on him.

   Bokuto went inside the room to find a rather huge owl plushie on their bed.
He turned back to face the setter, who stood in the entrance, arms crossed, leaning on the doorsill. He had a smile and a look which said 'for you'.

   Bokuto couldn't do anything but point at the thing and gape his mouth at Akaashi. After realisation struck him, he jumped on the bed and touched his gift carefully, as if it would break.

   After poking on it a bit, he hugged the owl with all his might, at which Akaashi chuckled lovingly.

   He looked back at Akaashi again, kinda like 'I can keep this?!?!'. The setter chuckled again at the ace acting kiddish and walked towards him.

   He sat down and pressed his lips against Bokuto's forehead.

"Happy anniversary, Koutarou."


(A/N: Like, how do ppl not call you (LITERALLY. NO KIDDING) every. two. minutes?!? Like, I don't get it. I'm absolutely free and have no life and they don't give a fuck. I'm busy updating and they suddenly can't do their own shit. I tried.)

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