(Chapter 8) You Are My World

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(A/N: Okay there's gon' be a liiil', teeny, weeny bit of smut here. Read further at your own will. K lessgo.)

Bokuto noticeably brushed his body against Akaashi's. The light from the curtains glowed on to illuminate Akaashi's face, eyes, and nose beautifully. That beauty couldn't be described with words. His lips. Oh god, his lips.

The moon sure shines bright today.

Without parting their mouths, Bokuto's hand went to touch his cheekbone slightly. He rubbed his thumb against the side of Akaashi's face.

As they parted for air, still so close that their lips were brushing against each other's, Bokuto looked at his husband adoringly.

He's everything I wanted. Everything. And he's right here with me, in my arms. He's here, and he's only for me. I couldn't ask for more.

Akaashi grew impatient and pulled his lover down further, pecking on his lips, nose, and forehead.

"I love you." The pretty owl whispered, so that only the both of them could hear it.

Bokuto was right. Out of all the people in the world, he belonged to only him. His pretty eyes, hair, voice, mind, body, soul and heart. Only for his dear Bokuto.

Bokuto wanted to know him, feel him in his bones. His thrusted his tongue in again, not knowing how to express his love for him with words. Akaashi moved along, letting out little whimpers. He could never get used to his touch. It never failed to make his heart race. No matter how tiny or unfelt the contact was.

It never failed to make him crave for more.

As Akaashi gripped on his spiky hair tightly, Bokuto started unbuttoning his shirt. When they parted for air, Akaashi stripped his shirt off and so did Bokuto. But they wasted no time as connected their tongues again.

I can't stay away from you. Even for a second.

Bokuto kissed a trail of butterfly kisses, down to his neck. He found a certain spot which made Akaashi react more, and so kept his lips working there. He hummed against his collarbone, making the physically sensitive one shiver at the contact.

He licked the spot and recieved a few mewls from the setter. He sucked on it gently, making the blood underneath rush to his touch. He smiled lovingly at the red mark he just left against the pale skin.

You're mine.

Akaashi pushed his partner away, sat up, and straddled himself onto Bokuto's lap. His breathing was hitched, and he held Bokuto, burying his face into his neck biting the crook of it slightly.

"Nngh... Koutarou.. please.. I want more.."

Bokuto lifted his face up, kissing him passionately.

"Koutarou.. hold me c-closer... Don't let me go.... ever."

"You don't have to ask. It's my pleasure."

Bokuto hugged him impossibly close, sliding his hand up and down Akaashi's back, as the owls catch their breath.

"I'll never leave your side" Bokuto whispered into his ear, slightly nibbling on it. Akaashi pulled back from the hug, still heavily breathing. He pulled him to his to his chest, making Bokuto listen to the loud thuds that hammered from inside.

It sounded like music to his ears. They stayed like that letting their heartbeats melt together into one, but never bringing it to slow down.

Bokuto kissed his chest making hickeys all the way down to his torso.

(A/N: It gets a bit 'adultish' here. Sorry for interrupting.)

He pulled at the waistband of his pants. Akaashi waited eagerly for him to pull it down. But he didn't. Akaashi looked at him questioningly, while Bokuto simply smirked.

"I thought someone didn't wanna do it... Am I wrong?"

"I- I am tired. I just wanna be in your arms Boku- ahh! ..wha- no sto- nh aah..!"

Bokuto smiled at his cute reactions to him palming his clothed member.

"Ahh.. o-okay.. scratch that. I'm sorry, I wanna do it..!"

Bokuto licked his inner thighs as Akaashi tried to muffle his moans.

"Don't. I wanna hear you. Your voice is mine. I wanna listen."

"Bokuto-san... I want to be connected to you"

And that is when, folks, the Ace of Fukurodani snapped.


The night was filled with their grunts and moans, with Bokuto ramming in and out of his husband. As they were close to climax, Akaashi started yelling his love for Bokuto, as Bokuto repeated 'Keiji' over and over like a chant. That night wasn't really quiet, but it was complete.


(A/N: Okay, BIG MISTAKE. I'M NEVER WRITING SMUT AGAIN. Sure, walk out, but i'mma stick with fluff. "Heaven knows I tried..". Fml. I'm terrified, and I'm leaving... BYE.)


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