(Chapter 4) The Exchange

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Akaashi woke up from the light that shone through the curtains. The first thing he sees is Bokuto. He smiled.

It's been like this for a few years - waking up to see each other. With that, nothing else mattered. Akaashi didn't want to wake up, because that would mean going away from his boyfriend's side.

He snuggled his head into the older one's chest, feeling warm and fuzzy the first thing in the morning.

Bokuto wakes up at the movement and looks down to see Akaashi's fluffy hair, snugged up against him. He smiled and played with the soft, dark hair. Akaashi looked up and saw Bokuto sleepily smiling at him.

What else could he ask for?

" 'Kaashi.."


"Please don't wake me up.. I wanna sleep."

"Your breath stinks, Bokuto-san. You have to brush your teeth."

"Nooo ho hoooo..! Akaaaaashi!!!"

Akaashi got up, against Bokuto's hand holding him down.

"Akaashi don't go~"

Akaashi's weak to those pleading eyes, although he knows very well that those are nothing but crocodile tears.

He sighed and put his knee on the bed, supporting himself to settle down. He kissed the now, smiling Bokuto's eyes and 'boop'ed their noses together ever so lightly.


....and after 20 minutes of intense making out (don't ask me how they got to that), their lips parted, for them to catch their breath. They put their foreheads together, panting from the excitement.

After staying as such for a while, Akaashi tried to remove Bokuto's hands from his waist. But Bokuto took them away just to hold him tighter again.

"Bokuto-san, please wait. I got something to show you."

"Oya oya?"

Akaashi smiled at his response. It never gets old.

He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wear a shirt (😉). He then came out and reached for his long coat that hanged beside, while Bokuto shamelessly stared at his ass.

Akaashi turned around with his hands clasped around something, but Bokuto took no notice and just groaned at the interruption of his 'sight-seeing' . As he walks closer, Bokuto looks at his hand.

"Akaashi, please don't tell me that's a spider."

"I won't if you go brush your teeth now."

He pouted like a baby, taking big steps to the restroom and came out after a few minutes. Akaashi was sitting on the bed, legs folded parallel to each other. He gestured for the ace to come, and tapped on the bed in front of him.

Bokuto obliged, sitting in the same posture as Akaashi, mocking him. Akaashi gave a weak slap on his arm as a response to that.

Bokuto smiled.

"What is it that my beauty has for me?"

Akaashi opens his clasped hands carefully, and opened the box that was inside them. A brilliant shine of silver came from inside.

Bokuto stared at that with wide eyes. He looked at Akaashi, and back the silver band, and back at Akaashi again.

Akaashi's heart thundered against his chest, bringing a rose tint to his face. He breathed out to calm himself a bit. He smiled beautifully, and looked at his boyfriend right inside his eyes

"Phew, okay. Uhmm.. will you marry me, Bokuto-san?"

Bokuto just realised his mouth was hanging open the whole time, and closed it just to open it wider.

Akaashi smiled with hopeful eyes. As Bokuto buffered, he bit his lip in an attempt to shake his nerves off.


Bokuto snapped out of his daze and opened his mouth to say something, anything at all, but his voice wouldn't come out. He just closed his eyes, pursed his lips and shook his head.

Akaashi could swear his heart stopped for a second. Tears immediately appeared in his eyes. When he looked down, trying to hide his face from his lover, Bokuto hugged him so close.

Akaashi's eyes widened as shakily breathed into Bokuto's biceps. He could feel Bokuto still shaking his head against his shoulder.

"I - I have no words Akaashi."

Akaashi stayed still, confused.

" 'Kaashi, I've never seen you being dumb. It's a rare sight indeed."

Akaashi pulled away from his hug and gave Bokuto a "wtf?!" look.

"Bokuto-san, did you hear me properly? I asked you whether you'll be my husband..!"

"Exactly!! Is that even a question?"

Akaashi scrunched his nose at the amount of nonsense the ace was releasing. He tilted his head slightly to the side.


Bokuto admiringly looked at his setter for a good 3 seconds, and then held up his finger. He went to his table and pulled the drawer below. He digged in, literally, and took out the same, velvety box that he had hid in his drawer the previous day.

Akaashi looked at the box and felt tears prick at his eyes.

So that's why it felt odd yesterday..

Before Bokuto could say anything, Akaashi jumped into his arms, locking his lips with his. After a sweet, deep kiss, he pulled away.

Bokuto saw his lover sobbing, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"YES! Yes Koutarou, I will!"


"Ah.. gomen (sorry).. Bokuto-san, I meant..."

Bokuto put him down on the bed gently, and slipped the silver band into Akaashi's ring finger. Akaashi smiled at his hand.

"Akaashi, call me that again?"

"... Bokuto-san?"

He shook his head. To that Akaashi blushed and uttered, "K-Koutarou?"

Bokuto smiled at that. It felt nice. His name felt perfect on Akaashi's lips. Akaashi simply stared at his husband.

"I wanna wear a ring too, ya know?"

"Ah! Hai.. (yes..)"

The setter did the honours and not a second passed, when Bokuto smashed his lips into Akaashi's, pushing him down on the bed.


(A/N: Sorry I was an HOUR late. I'm really sorry. It's just, ya know, issues. And this chapter turned out to be way too long, hope you guys don't mind. Okay, I'm gonna get some rest. Byee..!)

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