(Chapter 19) Family

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     The couple were waiting for their turn, outside the doctor's room. Akaashi dozed off on Bokuto's shoulder, as he didn't get enough sleep. Bokuto smiled at him lovingly, and wrapped his arm around him and played with his hair.

     People stared, but he didn't care. He was taking in his husband's features, that he knows very well anyway.

     When he was busy looking at how his long eyelashes glistened in the light, a little girl came upto him, and just stood there staring at him. He didn't notice her for a long time.

"Onii - Chan!"

     Bokuto turned to see where that sweet, kiddish voice came from and saw a little girl. She had big eyes, and she wore pigtails. She was enjoying her lollipop while staring at the ace.

     He was delighted to see her. Little kids are usually scared of him; because of his built, he seems much bigger to their small stature. They liked Akaashi more, since he looked really kind and was great at dealing with them.

"Hey there, what's your name?" He asked sweetly, careful not to scare her away.

     She thought for a while before she answered.


"Waah! What a pretty name..!"

     She giggled at that. Due to her young age, she didn't bother to ask the older man's name. She took the lollipop out of her mouth with a 'pop'.

"Want some?"

     Bokuto was creeped out, honestly. But then he remembered that kids just don't care. He remembered asking Akaashi the same thing (but with ulterior motives( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ). He chuckled to himself.

"No, thank you."

"Ehh? You sure? It's really good!!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

     He gave that cute grin of his. The little girl shrugged, put the candy back in her mouth, and went back to her parents.

"She's really sweet, isn't she?"

     Bokuto whipped his head around. Akaashi was smiling, and his voice was calm and tired, but he could pick up the envy in it.

     Bokuto wordlessly kissed his head. He closed his eyes and didn't lose the contact. He pulled away just to kiss him again on his forehead, much longer this time.

     By this time, the couple sitting in front of them figured that they were together, but they didn't show it openly, nor discussed about it.

     When he pulled his lips away, he lifted the setter's head off his shoulder and looked into his eyes. As he switched his vision to each eye, he searched for the words.

     But Akaashi knows all too well. So he decided to end his suffering.

"I'm fine, Koutarou."

     He smiled a bit to convince Bokuto that he really is. Bokuto smiled back and let go, but he knew that he wasn't fine. Both of them weren't fine.

     A short, pretty nurse came and called for them.

     Bokuto tapped on Akaashi's waist, signaling him to stand up, and let him lead.

~~timeskip to after visiting the doctor (bcuz I ain't up for dat shit) brought to you by Tsukishima's glasses~~

     They stood up as they thanked the doctor. He seems to be fine except he has to eat a lot and be hydrated.

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