(Chapter 20) Mommy

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(A/N: I'm so freaked out rn!! Look at my no of readers! Woww!! THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT YOU'VE GIVEN ME!!! I'm really happy!! I will continue to do my best..!ヽ(。◕o◕。)ノ.)

"How long will you lie to yourself, you idiot?"

       His eyes widened as the words rang in his head.

How long?

"As long as we do something about it."

        Akaashi looked up. His eyes were glistening with tears that seemed to momentarily stop. Bokuto continued.

"..Keiji, I wanted you to have our baby, but we obviously can't.."

        Akaashi's eyes fell. What's new? He thought.

"..but a child that you raise, is also your child. He/she will have your characteristics, as long as you're with them."

        Akaashi narrowed his eyes. He had a feeling that he knew where this was going.

"..So, Keiji, can we adopt a child?"


        They thought a lot about it. Won't the child want a mother? Whatever the case, looking at the world, won't he/she ask "where is my mom?"

        They both wanted a girl child. But they knew very well, that being males and raising a girl would be hard.

         Later, they decided to ask their parents. Both sides agreed on adopting a child; they wanted grandchildren too. But Akaashi's parents told him to finish his graduation first, and not think much about it now.

         Of course, they won't be able handle the responsibility right now. They don't feel ready. Of course, it'll take time.

         Bokuto's parents told him to take easy for now, and of the child needed a mother, she has two grandmothers. So that won't be a problem.

         Bokuto felt reassured at that. He felt like he could do it. Just not now.

"Until then, enjoy your time together alone." Both the couples said.

Of course we will.


      Akaashi packed his bag in a hurry, as Bokuto watched him run all around the house.

"You had to go for the internship?"

      He was sitting on the middle of the floor, cross-legged and pouting. Akaashi walked fast, trying to avoid tripping over the ace in the process.

"Yes, Bokuto-san. It helps in college too."

"But I'll miss you!!"

      He gave a puppy face and pouted, trying to convince him otherwise.

"Say something, Akaashi..!"

      The setter sighed, feeling tired from the owl's energy.

".. I'll miss you too, but I have to go so I can stay with you the whole day later."

      Bokuto's eyes sparkled, but it immediately turned back into normal.

"But then, after a while, we'll have to go for a job, right?"

"Let's think about that later, yeah?"

      Bokuto looked at the floor, drawing patterns on it that no one can make out. Akaashi walked to him, kneeled down, and planted a kiss on his head.

      Bokuto looked up to see a smiling Akaashi.

"I'll be back as soon as possible."

     Bokuto opened the front door for the pretty boy, and let him step out. The setter turned around and stood on his toes to kiss  his husband. Bokuto's hand found it's way to his waist, as he pulled him closer.

      A little smooch became a real kiss. Akaashi's hand snaked around his neck, pulling his head closer. Bokuto felt his heart feel warm, and his breathing increase speed. His stomach felt warm outside, and cold inside.

     Like he was flying. It was like the first time they kissed.

Oh, how I missed him.

    Akaashi's pulled away as his heels met the ground. He looked into Bokuto's eyes one more time, like he was searching something in them. After he was done with his search, he smiled, relieved.

   Bokuto smiled back, feeling a bit satisfied after all that fuss over having a family.

   He walked back in and sat on the couch. His phone fell from the table in front of him because of its vibration. He flinched and then picked it up to see who was calling.


   Sure, he saved his number to talk to him, but whenever he called, Kenma would shut him out, saying he's busy gaming.

Well, that's a first.

   He picked up the call hesitantly, scared of what was to come for some reason.

"Moshi moshi. ("Hello", used only on a phone call)

"Why do you sound like you're fine?"


"You there?"

"Y-Yeah.. why wouldn't I sound like I'm fine..?"

"Where the fuck are you?"

"At our place..? Is something wrong?"

    Though Kenma looked harmless to most people, he was truly...

             ..well, you wouldn't want to mess with him.

"What do you mean? You went back to Keiji?"

     Oh crap. He told Kuroo that they're back, assuming that he would inform Kenma. I mean, why wouldn't he??

"Kenma.. I came back yesterday. I told Kuroo. Didn't he tell you?"

"You told him?"

"Yeah... I thought he'll te-"

     Beep, beep, beep.

     He chuckled softly.

Oh well, someone's in trouble.


(A/N: Ik I said dis already, but again, I sincerely thank you all for reading whatever shit I write. I will continue to write dis shit, as some of u wanted me to. I srsly don't know where dis is going, I hope I won't have to stop in an awkward pace. I'm talking too much, ik. Byee! Honestly, luv u all<3)

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