(Chapter 17) I Love You.

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"Keiji.. please, baby.. I'm so sorry.."

     He started bawling with Akaashi in his arms. Then he let out a bloodcurling scream, seeing his one true love like that.

     He laid his head on the setter's chest, making his shirt wet. He then felt the small movements of his chest heaving up and down.


      Bokuto's eyes widened as he looked into Akaashi's. There was no life in them. He slapped across Bokuto's face weakly. It still stung; after all those years of practicing volleyball, it was pretty strong.

      He was then enveloped in a tight hug. Bokuto hugged him back, never wanting to let go again.

      It wasn't the problem which made them this emotional. It was the long, ugly week, apart from each other that broke them.

      They both sobbed in his other's shoulders, saying endless number of "I love you"s. They sat their, and cried until their eyes wouldn't produce any more tears.

      They held each other close, not knowing what else to do, and not wanting to do anything else.

     Akaashi said that he probably passed out from the dehydration, and starving, and the severe heartache.

"You wouldn't even lemme explain what actually happened.."

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm so, so sorry. Fuck the explanation. Whatever the case, I can't live without you."

"Me neither. It- *sniff* It broke me apart.. the one week... It was horrible! I like being left alone, but not by you!!"

"I love you, Keiji. I'll never leave you, baby. I promise."

"Really? You promise?"

"Yes, I promise."

      They hugged again, Bokuto planted small kisses on the setter's face. They sat there, stroking each other's hair, leaving tiny pecks, apologising for about an hour.

       Bokuto lifted his husband up, and carried him to their room, and gently placed him on the bed

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       Bokuto lifted his husband up, and carried him to their room, and gently placed him on the bed.



"You look horrendous."

"I blame you."

"Yeah, I do too."

     Akaashi looked at the source of those words, and pulled him for a kiss. He ran his long fingers through the rough, almost spiky hair. Oh, how he missed it.

"But I don't care. I love you."

"I love you too, Keiji. I love you so much."

    Exhausted from all the sobbing, they slowly drifted to sleep in each other's arms.


(A/N: I didn't want my dear readers to die, so.. yeah. Um.. yeah, this was short, but it had to be, I'm sure you can understand. Enjoy..! Byes..!(: <3)

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