(Chapter 27) The Ace

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     Bokuto waved at the two males grabbing their attention while Akaashi simply watched.

Now that I see them like this, the difference between their heights is amusing.

     The bed head took notice of him first and waved back. They walked towards each other.

"Whatcha doin' here, bro?"

"Just, kitten asked about the video I sent to Akaashi. He wasn't there the whole time; he left, saying it's creepy."

"It is. And I asked what it was - didn't ask you to drag me here."

     Bokuto looked at both of them cluelessly. Then he shifted his gaze to Akaashi.

"I'll explain later. Not important."

"Okay 'Kaashi, whatever ya say."

     Kuroo couldn't keep his mouth shut by now.

"It's funny how you guys are still on last name basis."

     Bokuto grinned at that and Akaashi gave a tiny smile.

"We do call each other by our first names sometimes, but I just got so used to his 'Bokuto-san' in high school. It's special when he says it, ya know?"

"Ditto.", Akaashi breathed out.

"Well, it's lucky that we met."

    Kuroo gave that shit - eating grin of his.

    There was only one thing on Kenma and Akaashi's mind now.

Oh. No.


"Saa, ikuyo..!! (Okay!! Lessgooo..!!)"

(The pic, except it's dark

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(The pic, except it's dark.)

"Bokuto-san, we're not going to drive out ogres. It's a double date. Please don't shout."

     The 'bros' were leading the way (not a good idea) to God knows where, and Kenma and Akaashi trailed behind, grateful to each other's company.

     Owl boy turned around, seemingly shocked at something Akaashi just said.

" 'Kaashi, say 'double date' again..?"


"I feel bad for you." Kenma muttered.

"I could say the same for you." He showed his pity.

"Hey pretty boy! What did I do??"

     Kenma slightly smiled, ignoring his boyfriend.

"Thanks Keiji."

"Yeah, no prob"

"Don't agree with him, Kenma!"


    Like I said, Kuroo and Bokuto aren't the best at leading the route; atleast, not when they're together.

   They stood in front of Fukurōdani Academy, staring at the building.

   Kuroo was blank, and Kenma wanted to go home, while the married couple felt nostalgia hit them like a bus.

   Kōzume sighed and took out his psp.

"You guys are gonna break in, aren't ya?"

"Mochiron! (Of course)" the idiots said in sync.

"Keiji, do you mind adopting Kuro like you did Shōyo and Tsukishima?"

"Kenma san, please don't break the 4th wall like that. I gotta deal with these two already."


    They walked to where the club room is and noticed that the door was open. Bokuto chuckled at that.

"Heh, irresponsible idiots."

"You're one to talk."

    The ace punched Kuroo in the arm, making him wince.

    They walked in, and Kenma almost tripped on the stair, not paying attention to where he was going.

    The ace and the middle blocker rushed inside while Kenma entered rather calmly, with Akaashi following him.

    He breathed in the smell of the court

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    He breathed in the smell of the court.

It's changed a bit.

    Kōzume went straight to the bench and sat down. Akaashi watched as he pondered about the various possibilities of getting caught.

    But he was also thinking what his husband was. He waited for the moment, staring at Bokuto's back.

    And soon enough, he turned back to face the setter with the huge, well known grin on his face.

"Toss for me, Akaashi."

    Akaashi smiled and wordlessly removed his scarf and overcoat, placing it beside the kitten (who wouldn't give a fuck) as the Ace did the same.

    Kuroo grinned at them and sat beside his boyfriend to watch, as the couple removed their shoes.


(A/N: Fun fact - Kenma calls Kuroo by his nickname, 'Kuro'. Kuroo is pronounced as Kuro-oh. "Finally, a useful note", you're thinking, rite? Dw, it's not gonna become a habit :) bye<3)

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