(Chapter 3) Today.

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      Akaashi sat on the edge of the bed, reminiscing the moments that led to this. The music pierced through his ears, but he didn't seem to care. He was lost in his memories. His favourite ones.
      Akaashi is now in his final year, while Bokuto graduated recently. They went to the same college, as Akaashi had once said, "I'll follow you around until you get sick of my face."

"Do you know what you're saying Akaashi?". Smiling teethily, "You'll have to follow me forever then." He had said.

     The setter smiled at that thought. He let his dreams take over him. And as Bokuto silently came inside the room, calling his setter in a low tone, Akaashi uttered a small, but gleeful "I will (follow you), Bokuto-san."

     Poor Bokuto stood there frozen. He took out from his back, the tiny, velvety box, which had a grand, dark shade of violet. It had the smallest black, satin ribbon tied around it's lid. He looked at it, and then at his to-be-husband.

"A-Akaashi, .... are you psychic?"
      Akaashi smiled at the floor again, letting the music mess with his emotions (in a good way).

       Seeing that god-like smile in an uncomfortable angle, Bokuto took big steps toward the front of his boyfriend, to see his lovely face.

       And that is when the setter saw that Bokuto was in the room. He took off his headphones, and looked at Bokuto cluelessly.

"Bokuto-san! Okaeri (welcome back home).. Did you say something?"

       That was weird..

I didn't feel his presence.. is something wrong?

       Bokuto now hasn't the foggiest clue about what was going on. "You didn't see or hear me?" Akaashi shook his head, which seemed kinda cute to Bokuto, but he was nervous nonetheless.

And I thought I got accepted just like that.. here it goes again..

"Bokuto-san, what's wrong?" He noticed the violet box gripped tightly in the Ace's right hand.

       He noticed. But didn't ask. Bokuto felt too happy for a thick second to propose now. He simply shoved the box into his pocket and sat beside him. He kissed the younger one's forehead.

"Nothing's wrong." He smiled."Whatcha listening to?"

       Akaashi looked back at his phone. By the time he was buried in his thoughts, the songs have passed by, and now it was an English song.

"..dunno" he mumbled "It's good though. Wanna listen?"

      They both were flatmates (pretty clear by now). Been dating for 4 years. But still, it feels like they're a new, young couple.

      New, that is, they can't get tired of each other. Can't get used to the fact that they're together. But it feels like it's been a decade at the same time. They know each other like their own souls. Made so many blissful memories.

     They know they can't stop there though. They want to make more, and more memories.

"I'll follow you until you get sick of me"

     Never will he even dream about getting sick of him.

(A/N: It's a nice, calm day, just like any other. And then I recieve A WHOLE FRICKIN' TON of schoolwork to do. Pathetic, I know. So, forgive me for the late update. I know it's not that late, but I still feel guilty. I'll probably update tomorrow at the same time, definitely not later than that. Okay I'll shut up. Bye!)

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