(Chapter 6) The Bond

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    Akaashi picks up his phone and dials a number into it, squinting like he can't see shit.



"Akaashi, what're you doing?"

    Akaashi looks up, fear clearly clouding his vision. Bokuto, who has seen many sides of Akaashi, hasn't seen this one, and didn't want to, right after their big event. He stops the setter in his tracks.

"I wanna meet your parents. Take me to their place, and we'll discuss this together with them. How does that sound?"

    Now Akaashi didn't have evil parents or anything. Being the only kid, he got all the love he needed as a child. But that is exactly why he was so afraid. He's never wanted to disappoint them. That isn't what you do in return for unconditional love.

   But this was it. Bokuto was his home now. It's a do or die, not gonna lie.
He knew the best about how awkward it'd be with Bokuto there. But he felt safe with him. He felt he could go through anything if Bokuto was beside him. And that was just more reason as to why he should tell his parents. Quick.

"Sounds good. Please stay with me."

"Akaashi, this is seriously not the time to be cute.", He replied, getting changed as he speaks.

    Akaashi got up, changed quickly and sat on bed, waiting for Bokuto as he combed his hair.

"Bokuto-san, let's go already. Why are you grooming yourself so much all of a sudden."

"Hahaha.. my silly kouhai (junior), I need to look presentable in front of my parents-in-laws, don't I? We're going for a good news after all."

     Bokuto didn't show a hint of worry. He was back to his cheery, bubbly self, which the setter fell in love with. He whistled as he peered into the mirror, perfecting his spiky owl hair. He brought a smile to Akaashi's face by just being himself.

     Bokuto's eyes widened as (comparatively) short, soft arms wrapped around his waist and chest. Bokuto looked at Akaashi through the mirror, who was also looking back at him in the same way, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Akaashi, we've had a lot today. It's not that I don't want to, but we have a couple to meet."

    Akaashi instantly released him, pouting angrily (the dude can be cho cutee<3).

"I didn't mean anything like that, you perv.."

"Haha .. Akaashi..."

    Bokuto paused and turned around to face his husband. His carefree expression turned to a serious one in a fraction of a second (you've seen it happen).

    "What would I do without you?", He said, in lower octaves holding up Akaashi's chin. With their noses inches apart, he lingered, looking into his eyes for the gazillionth time.

    Before the younger one could oppose the idea of them not being together, Bokuto closed the gap between them, pressing his lips against the shocked one's. Akaashi kissed him back passionately. He needed it.

    Both volley players needed it, but unfortunately, they had another thing to do. After that, they can get unlimited amounts of their needs. And this was a mutual, unspoken understanding between them both, so they parted before things could get out of hand.

"Tu-tu-du-tu-tu-dora.. we're going to Akaashi's house!!!!"

"Bokuto-san, urusai. (Shut up.)"

     Akaashi put the weight of his nervousness on his grip on the steering. He looked hopeful and sick at the same time.


(A/N: Short chapter. Late update. I'm stupid, sorry, and tired. Please wait for my next chapter tomorrow. Cuz I'm actually, for the first time having ideas before I start writing. Yeah, I've been going with the flow all this time, that's y it's like dis. Kk bye. Gn.)

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