(Chapter 12) Hoot, Hoot!

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"What is it Bokuto-san?" He asked, while browsing over some denim pants.

"How do I look?"

Akaashi looked over to see Bokuto wearing a black hoodie, with one hand in his pocket, and the other holding the shirt he was wearing that day. The hood pushed his hair down, brushing his forehead. He used a grin similar to Kuroo's.

Akaashi noticed how his hair popped up against the weight of the hood and how it covered part of his eye, making the golden light in it seem more vibrant

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Akaashi noticed how his hair popped up against the weight of the hood and how it covered part of his eye, making the golden light in it seem more vibrant.

He noticed the shadow of the hood on the corners of his face, highlighting his nose and lips.

He noticed how his neck was slightly exposed, him having removed the shirt he was wearing under.


He snapped out of his observations and finally opened his ears. And that was when he heard a few girls giggling. He turned to see two girls in the adjacent aisle, talking about how they were gonna try the hoodie (it was unisex) next.


Bokuto saw genuine irritation in Akaashi's face, not like he's ever seen.

"What's wrong Akaashi?"

"Choose something else, Bokuto-san."

"Eh? You don't like it?"

Akaashi simply turned away. And Bokuto knew there was a reason behind what he's saying, but he liked it too much.

"Please, Akaashi?"

"Then buy it. No matter what else you wanna buy, buy this."

That was strange. Bokuto cocked his head slightly to the side, but when Akaashi wasn't going to say anything else, he brushed it off, and kissed him on the cheek.

Akaashi flushed. The girls saw that and backed away. He smiled at that.


"Akaashi, I'll choose yours!!"

"As you wish, Bokuto-san"

He waited as Bokuto went hunting. He returned with a small package in his hand. Bokuto held it out to Akaashi and grinned.

"Sir, underpants are not for trial."

They both turned back to see an employee bowing his head nervously. Akaashi turned back to glare at his husband.

"Okay! Chill, I was just kidding, duh."

After a while Bokuto came back with a black turtleneck and a greyish coat. Akaashi smirked at it, and then wordlessly took it out of his hands and walked into the changing room.

He opened the door to see Bokuto's jaw drop.

The black, tight clothing shaped his toned chest, and the long coat defined the curve at his waist

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The black, tight clothing shaped his toned chest, and the long coat defined the curve at his waist.

"Hoot, hoot, Keiji!"

Akaashi smirked again, clearly knowing that he's too darn hot for anything in his way, except for his husband.

"Oh my.... That's it! You're wearing this. Everyone will 'hoot hoot' Akaashi!!"

"I dunno what's this 'hoot hoot' you're talkin' about, but I get the picture."

Bokuto smiled, so, so proud of his husband. He so wanted to show him off. The people at the party would be awestruck.

He wanted to shout to the world that Akaashi Keiji is his. But instead, he decided to do it in a party. Because, let's start off easy, right?


They opened the door to an empty house and Bokuto took the bag Akaashi had in his hand and went to the room, while Akaashi slumped down on the couch.

When Bokuto returned, he was already out cold.

Well, that was quick.

His head was painfully titled back. Bokuto sat next to him and gently slid his head onto his shoulder. Akaashi shifted a bit and placed his head on his lap instead. He chuckled at the sight and ran his hands through his raven hair.

He's so cute.

Akaashi smiled a bit, God knows what he's dreaming about. Bokuto kissed his forehead and carried him to the room and put him on the bed.

" 'Kaashi.." he gently cooed.


" Keiji.."


His eyes were still closed.

"You gonna change into your night wear?"

"Don't wanna."



"Yes, baby?"

"I want hugs."

That was the first time Akaashi openly admitted that he wants to cuddle - In his sleep. But that was enough for Bokuto. He grinned like a child and soon fell asleep with Akaashi wrapped in his sturdy arms.

"G'night, love."


(A/N: Okay dey be newly weds, okay? Don't come n complain dat dey r acting like dey still in high school. I dunno. My head say, I write.
Deal wid it. ¯\(°_o)/¯. Okay sry, I go already. Byes<3!)

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