(Chapter 13) Drunk

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(Edit: omfg I got the perfect picture for this chapter!! Am I lucky, or what?!? ✧\(>o<)ノ✧)

They stood next to each other in front of the mirror. And that's when they knew, they fucked up.

"We look completely different."

"But Akaashi, you look hot."

"..and completely unrelated."

Bokuto sighed and walked back, sitting on the bed. He had a view of Akaashi's front and back.

"How about you lose the coat?"

Akaashi lit up and removed the long, grey coat he had on. Underneath was a simple, full - sleeved, black turtleneck. He stared at himself for a few seconds and then frowned.

It basically looked like a carving of his body. The shape of his chest was clearly seen. He removed the top, wore a fitting, white button - up, and wore the turtleneck on top.

Bokuto shrugged.

"I dunno Keiji, anything looks hot on you."

Akaashi smiled.


They were warmly recieved at the party. Aoba Johsai was invited, but only the juniors made it.

It was a sight.

There was Kenma interacting with Shoyō, and Kageyama getting all jelly. There was Kuroo, introducing people with each other and getting them drinks. There was Yamamoto on DDR machine, showing off his footwork to the few girls that were there.

"Oi Kuroo!"

"Aw, man.."

"I didn't even say anything yet!"


"Why do you have a DDR machine? That's so passè!"

Kuroo looked down with sad eyes.

"My Great Grandmom bought it to me, before she passed away."

The couple's eyes widened.

"I'm so sor-"

"Just kidding!"


"I've never seen my Grandmom! Got you so good!"

Bokuto chased after him (it's a huge ass house), while Akaashi tried his best not to facepalm. And failed.

Kenma spotted the setter and raised his hand. He walked upto him, and noticed Hinata looking at him with awe.

"Akaashi san! You've gotten bigger!!"

"Oh well, I've been working out, so.."

"Waaaaaahhh!! (°o°) Is Bokuto-san here then??"

"Yes, you'll find him if you look for the noisiest one ou-"

"Found him!!"

Akaashi and Kenma chuckled, while Tobio just kept yelling at Hinata to not get lost.

Yep. It was that crowdy.


No one knows how it got to this, except for Kenma (he was too terrified to explain). Akaashi was wasted. Completely.

He was drenched in sweat from his performance on the DDR and Kuroo and Bokuto almost fainted watching it, and Kenma was having the time of his life. He sat on a couch, with his head tilted back, and was panting.

Kenma went and sat beside him.

"I thought you'll give me company, not switch bodies with Bokuto."

Akaashi looked at him with a dumb face, being the definition of confusion.

"I'm saying, the Akaashi I know would have understood what I said just now."

"Oh no Kenma.."

"What is it?"

He pulled at his shirt, soaked with sweat.

"I'm melting!! See?!!"

"Yeah, sure."

Bokuto just looked at him, sober and worried. He looked at Nekoma.

"Who gave him so much beer?"

Everyone wordlessly looked at Tora, who hung his head. Bokuto glared at him. And then he heard Akaashi mumbling something.

"What is it baby?"

" 'Kuto-san.."


"Will you cross - dress for me?"

Kenma looked at Kuroo straight in the eyes and said "kill me now". He dragged Kenma away from the scene.

"You're too pure for this shit. Go play with Chibi Chan."

"But Shoyō is probably making out with Kageyama right now."

"Go and join in, I'll come and record it."


While Kenma was whining, Bokuto had already given up on convincing Akaashi to go home with him.

Kuroo asked Bokuto to go take some rest, while Akaashi calms down.


Three girls walked upto him, and sat down beside the still hot Akaashi. He didn't give a fuck and continued gaming with Kenma's console.

One of the girls who twirled her hair at him flirtatiously. He noticed her and smiled at her. Her eyes widened.

"Hey cutie!"

Akaashi pouted, new to the nickname.


His head wasn't working right.

"Oh my god, you're so cute..!"

"Thank you..?"

The girls were giddy and gleeful just at the sight of the pretty boy breathing. The pretty, clueless boy.

He was smiling and nodding to everything, which made them squeal like piglets.

It got to the point where he was gonna go home with them. They played with his hair, kissed his cheeks, and the drunk setter just sat there clueless.

After about half an hour, Bokuto came out of the room to see if Akaashi's okay. And he saw the last thing he wanted to see.


(A/N: Was that short? No? Then shitty it is. I dunno, my writing's getting bad:( But thanks to those who read my story! It was a surprise that ppl who r not my friends also read mah story!! Sank uu! Mwaah!! I do better for uu! Luv ya<3)

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