(Chapter 16) I Need You

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       Bokuto checked the other 72 notifications he got. All were Keiji's. He took his pillow, buried his face in it and let a huge sigh.

A week will do, right?

Day 1 apart from each other:

       Akaashi gave up on trying to contact him. He thought of other ways to explain it to him. He couldn't ask anyone else to do it. He needed to do it himself.

      He made the cupcakes Bokuto loves and ate it alone. He watched Bokuto's favourite movies that he hates watching. He wore Bokuto's clothes.

      He tried not to think too much about it. He waited for his love to come back.

       Bokuto spent most of the day in his room. Akaashi's messages helped him kill time. Later, he decided to enjoy the time with his parents, who did a good job on keeping him occupied.

Day 2:

       Akaashi started going on the internship that he couldn't attend because Bokuto was being too clingy. He concentrated in finishing his final semester and soon get a job. They were running a bit short on money, and he needed to make some.

       Bokuto bought a volleyball from the shop, and played with it alone in the back yard. He listened to Akaashi's voice messages over and over again.

~~timeskip to day 5 brought to you by Vevi Chan<3~~

Day 5:

      Akaashi emptied Bokuto's closet and buried himself into it. By now, he couldn't take the pain. He cried into the black hoodie Bokuto bought. He ate some more cupcakes, with silent tears streaming down his face.

      He contacted his husband again, but in vain. He left five voice messages. The last three wasn't even clear, with him whimpering and hiccing while sobbing.

 The last three wasn't even clear, with him whimpering and hiccing while sobbing

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      Bokuto played some more volleyball. He asked his mom for the cupcakes Akaashi used to bake for him, but she didn't know how to make that particular one.

       He stopped caring about his hair, and the silver part of it started turning into grey. His smile was long forgotten, and he knew he wouldn't know how to smile until he sees his setter again.

Day 6:

       Although he tried to concentrate on college, Akaashi couldn't do it without thinking of Bokuto every 2 minutes. He became suicidal. After 6 days, the hope that he will come back faded away, and he had no clue if he should be waiting for him or not.

       He bawled his heart out, and even tried overdosing. But he didn't have the right tablets. He tried using a knife, but then remembered Bokuto's smile.

       "I'll never even dream about getting sick of you..
                                                                                                                .. never.

       He just cried his heart out and dropped the knife. He didn't eat the whole day.

       His cold personality changed once the ace entered his life. He's capable of crying now.

I didn't ask to be changed. Then why?

        Bokuto had a huge headache. He missed everything about Akaashi. He needed him so bad, that it hurt. He listened to the voice messages that Akaashi sent. He couldn't bear to hear him crying.

        He said he needed to explain, but in person. He contacted Akaashi back, but he didn't pick up. He left a voice message, but he wouldn't check his phone.


        Rain poured down on the wet, slippery roads.

        Bokuto took his car and went back to their apartment at 5:30 in the morning. Fat tears plopped on his knuckles that went white on gripped the steering so tightly.

        He parked the car outside the parking lot; he didn't want to spend time parking it properly. He ran upstairs, the rain wetting his usually spiky hair.

        He tripped in his steps a few times but caught himself back up and just ran senselessly.

        He fumbled with the keys and finally pushed open the door to see his husband lifelessly lying on the floor, wearing the Ace's back hoodie and clutching onto his tee-shirt like his life depends upon it.

        Bokuto's eyes widened as he stepped closer to his husband. He could feel his head whirling.

        He sat on his knees beside him. He stared at his face. There were dried tear stains on his cheeks, bags under his eyes identical to his own.

        His hair was rough, unlike before. His lips were chapped and his skin was dry. His cheekbones were much more prominently visible now, as he has been eating either cupcakes or nothing.

        Bokuto's hand trembled as he slid it under Akaashi head, supporting his neck.


       Tears plopped onto the setter's cheek from above him.

"Keiji, baby, wake up... Please..."


(A/N: Haii, stoppu..!! Lol u may ask if I'm a sadist. Well, yeah, I am. But I'm a sadist who keeps my promises, so don't leave just yet😛. Luv you, don't cry<3)

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