Cheater (Angst)

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(A/N: Like I said, I'm taking requests, so this chapter onward wud be requested oneshots. Feel free to ask anything. And,, mills_tozier, I've never done angst before, nor do I read them, so I deeply apologize if it's not upto your expectations. I really did try my best. Enjoy!)

Akaashi's POV:

   I tapped on the screen of my phone, making a call to my boyfriend. I planned to buy condoms since we ran out of it. I didn't want to bother him, but there was this new brand which looked quite promising. I wanted to ask his opinion.

" 'Kaashi~"

"Bokuto san, do you like those condoms we always use?"

   I could practically sense him blushing as he stuttered into the call. I pressed the phone harder against my ear since his voice was feeble.

"I- I think I do? Of course I do, why?"

"There's this new brand, and I wanna try it.. I guess.."

"Oya oya? Keiji being kinky~"

   I felt heat rush to my cheeks and ears as a response to one, his teasing, and two, him calling me by my first name. And through a phone call, it somehow made my heart grow warm.

".. I think it might feel good, Bokuto san.. if you don't want it, then I'll buy our usual."

"Gaahh!! Gomen, Akaashi! We can try the new one~"

   I breathed in and and bit my lip, trying not to get excited right in the middle of a convenience store, giving away exactly what I came here for.

"Okay, Bokuto san. See you soon."

"Hm! Love you Keiji."

" you too, Kou.."

   And with that, I cut the call and quickly pocketed my phone. I couldn't wait to get home.


"Bokuto san, tadaima (I'm home)."

   No response.

   I very much expected him to come running to the hall and pull me into a hug, even though I haven't showered and was sweaty from work. But seeing that it didn't happen, I walked in, assuming he must be in the bathroom.

   I heard a few grunts from our room. I mentally smirked to myself. Sometimes, he gets impatient and starts touching himself, waiting for me to come and involve. I love it when that happens.

   I love how he's such an idiot. I love how he calls my name like an exaggerated cough. I love how much he needs my attention. I love his warm hugs.

   I love how, although being with me wouldn't satisfy a man like him all that much, he stays loyal to me. I love how he loves me.

   I was stuck up with work yesterday and couldn't come back home, and I already missed him so much, though I wouldn't want to admit it.

   I opened the door silently, planning to sneak up on him.

   And the sight I saw next, would be the one to break all the thoughts I had in one, easy second.

   I stood there, like a fucking idiot, heartbroken and shocked. How did I not expect this? My heart ached so much and I wanted to just disappear.

   All those years of being together, and that one second, made me wish I was never born. I wished I had never met him. Never fell in love with him.

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