(Chapter 11) Let's Partay!

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    Just then the doorbell rang. Bokuto got down from his bed to go see who it was. He was very protective of Akaashi, and doesn't like him opening the door to strangers. Akaashi always says he's not 4 anymore and he can take care of himself.

    And yet, Bokuto arrived to see Akaashi opening the door to a tall-ass dude with a shit-eating grin on his face.

     Bokuto facepalmed. Pretty loudly.

The three looked at him. Each with different expressions. Kuroo, with a 'look at me, I'm awesome.' one, Keiji with a confused one, and Kenma, well, with a dead one.

    Bokuto pretended to not know about their arrival.

    They came in and sat down. Kenma was mildly pouting the whole time since Kuroo didn't allow him to bring his game.

    Kuroo felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He excused himself, to check what the matter was.

    Only then, had he received Bokuto's message. He looked at him in disbelief.

Oh, shucks man..

     He smiled nervously at the couple adn pocketed his phone.

"Keiji, Kuroo wants you to come to the party. And you'll come, else I will haunt your dreams."

     Akaashi shuddered at the thought of Kenma being a serial killer.

"...and becuz I can't manage a whole bunch of idiots alone. I need a partner with brains."

     Now Akaashi couldn't say no to that. Even if it was Kuroo, he could have rejected his invitation. Now that it's Kenma, inviting him to a party, he can't. It must be so hard for Kenma.

"Okay, I'll come." He sighed, sensing something not good happening a few days later.

     Kenma got up and pulled Kuroo's hand, who hasn't still returned from the shock, and Bokuto wasn't any better.He dragged Kuroo with all his might.

"That's it. Let's go home."

     Kuroo presented an awkward smile.

"Sorry, he's just tired" he said as his ass was being dragged out of the house.

      The couple waved slowly, what just happened not sinking in at all. They still stared at the door after they left, being the definition of confusion.

"Sooo... We're attending a huge ass party now?"

"I'm sorry Akaashi, I can tell them if you don't wanna go."

"It's fine. I'll go.

      Bokuto looked up, still feeling guilty.

"You sure? The amount of respect you have for Kenma is unbelievable."

      Akaashi chuckled and pinched his cheeks.

"This shall pass too."

      He performed that beautiful smile of his, and went back to eating his cupcakes.

"Dey dind have gub gakes.." Akaashi muttered.

      Bokuto played with his hair, relieved that he's fine. Then he perked up.

"We gotta go shopping for some party wear~~!! Yayyyyy"

Oh god please, no.


(A/N: Short chapters. But 2 chaps in one is gud rite? ...rite?? Idk.. but from now on, I don't think I'll be able to update everyday. But I'll definitely update in alternative days, and if there's a change in that, I'll let u know. Luv ya<3)

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